Glad to call you my Mother

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It was just me and dad.
Only memories of mom.
She left us when I  was 5.
No she didn't leave, she died.

It was hard not having  mom around.
Seeing people being hugged, kissed and loved made me feel sad inside.
Sometimes brought tears to my eyes.

Being with dad  isn't bad.
But I felt incomplete without mummy in my life.
I could see that dad was sad sometimes but kept his tears inside.

Dad tried to replace mummy but he found no one that was like her.
No one that filled that place.
Didn't seem like there was anyone on this planet to make me and him feel like a family again.

Then you came along.
Out of the blue they say.
Never saw dad smile so much since mom passed away.
Looks like he's born again.

I feel so connected to you.
You give me so much to look forward too.
Love, affection and attention is a genuine thing you give.
It's just a part of you that could never be changed.

You make us so happy.
And I am so glad to call you mummy.
Not because you gave us things but you made life so simple again.
You connected things that was broken.
Made us a family again.
You fit just right in.
Also I see you're very happy with us.

I miss my mummy .
But i know she is happy to see us happy.
I  even think she guided this lovey lady to our life.

Once again I'm so thankful for you being here.
Grateful that this empty place in me  have been filled.
So glad that I got another wonderful mother.
I love you so much mummy.

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