Fate Be Change 11

Start from the beginning

"I told you not to drink too much, jeez."Ilhoon was scolding her as Joy just smiled at the cute scene.

This two would end up dating for sure.

She comments as she came across Changsub who freshly came from one of the bedrooms.

"Oh Joyiah, you want to go to the washroom?"he asked making Joy shyly nodded.

"Ne, but unfortunately it's occupied."she answered as she pointed towards the bathroom were the two love birds are occupying.

"You can use Sungjae's washroom, that's his room."Changsub exclaimed as he showed her the door.

"Thank you oppa."she gratefully said.

"Feel at home Joyiah."Changsub lastly said before he left her.

After Joy washed her hands, she immediately went out of the bathroom, she could admire the fact that Sungjae's room was neat and clean. She was expecting a room which looked like her cousins Chanyeol and Jimin which looked like a typhoon passed by.

She was about to mind her own business and exit the room when a certain picture on his study table caught her attention.


Is that me?

Joy confusedly asked herself as her feet were like dragged towards the table.


Oh my gosh! Why does Sungjae have a picture of me? And why the hell am I wearing a hanbok?

Her questions were even more confusing when the door swung open.



Sungjae dozed off for a minute because of the alcohol kicking in, when he gained his senses back he noticed that Jung Hwa and Peniel were already making out in the sofa completely doing PDA which made Sungjae annoyed as he threw a pillow from the couch towards them.

"Get a room you hormonal couple."Sungjae exclaimed making them both stood up and went inside Hyunsik's room.

"Yah! Not in my freaking room you guys! Jeez Sungjae."Hyunsik exclaimed as he went after the two as they immediately locked the door. "Don't take away the pureness of my bedroom! I haven't even invited my girlfriend there yet! Ugh! Sungjae! Where's the master key?!"Hyunsik yelled as Sungjae pointed towards the drawer as he quickly got it an stopped the two couple on making his bedroom stained.

"Go to a hotel or something. Jeeez, remind me not to invite this American born couple when we go on drinking."Hyunsik exclaimed totally pissed as he was dragging both drunk couples outside their apartment.

"I'm driving this two home, make sure the others won't do anything sinful while I'm away. And please tell Ilhoon to bring his girl home? Bomi has been vomiting non stop, she needs some rest." He reminded Sungjae as he just nodded in understanding.

Eunkwang together with Hyuna also went ahead since they both have work tomorrow morning. Sungjae let them since Eunkwang was already sober to drive both of them home, Sungjae then remembered about Joy. He scanned the entire room and she wasn't there.

Did she went to her apartment already?

He asked confused. Then he saw Changsub and Ilhoon helplessly carry an overly pale and drunk Bomi.

"Sungjae, I'm taking this two home. Bomi's having a fever already and Ilhoon didn't brought his car."Changsub explained making Sungjae nodded. He was about to send them off when Changsub spoke.

Fate Be Change | SUNGJOYWhere stories live. Discover now