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walking through the school hallways was never hard for me since i never do anything wrong for someone to despise or bully me. but, walking with jaehyun? this is like harder than solving math equations.

"are they together now?"

"wow. dohee made a move on him didn't she? jaehyun's perfect."

"aaaah! they are cute."

"the fuck is she doing with that angel? she dOeS nOT deserVe jaEHyuN"

compliments and criticism can be heard through the halls even though people were trying to whisper. jaehyun and i haven't said anything to each other ever since we left the classroom, i guess he's feeling awkward as much as i am.

everytime i'm spending time with a guy, it always needs to be awkward. i hate it here.

"don't mind them, they're jealous." jaehyun chuckles, making me smile because finally, someone talked.

"yeah, it's fine." i reply before halting to a stop, "this is yebin's room." i point to the door by the batch of lockers, and jaehyun immediately hides behind my back since there was a small window on the door.

so it's confirmed, he does like yebin.

"yah!" i smack him on his head and he reacts, rubbing it to ease the pain. "don't just stand there! go in." i gesture to the door, twisting the doorknob since it looks like he's not in the state to do it himself.

i gently push him inside, following behind him. like i thought, most of the class turn their heads to look at us. i mean, to look at jaehyun.

"uh- is yebin here?" jaehyun tries his best to prevent his voice from going bonkers and nervousness evident in his voice. i just smile, my eyes landing on yebin who's eyes are now enlarged and a surprised expression plastered on her doll like face.

the girls in her class point at the younger one, still surprised that the one and only jaehyun dared to enter their classroom and search for a girl.

"yebin" i call out to her, gesturing for her to come towards us and she runs to me, giving me a hug.

"hi jaehyun" she turns to the guy beside me and bows, jaehyun's cheeks promptly turning into crimson red, i ship this so bad. "now let's go get you to practice, young man." i break off their staring contest and push the two lovebirds by their backs.

"um, you do know that we're just the same age right? i'm not young, but i am a man." he struts, making me chuckle because he obviously was trying to show off his manly side to yebin whom i was pushing too.

we arrive at the field, seeing that his teammates are already starting their practice. "shit, i'm late!" jaehyun quickly puts on his training shoes and runs off, leaving me and yebin behind.

"lets sit on the bleachers and watch them!" she pulls my wrist and drags me to the bleachers, eager to watch the team play basketball.

yebin starts to wander her eyes around the field, like she's searching for someone. maybe jaehyun?

"he's there!" she suddenly exclaims making me jump to some degree and turns to the angle she's looking at.

marginally squinting my eyes to get a better look at the player she was pointing at, there stood a sweaty kim doyoung running around to shoot the ball into the ring.

yebin and i sat there, intently following the man with our gaze. is he going to shoot it or miss? he shoots the ball and the girls watching around us yelled their lungs out.

but why did he look at me?

sunbae ☻ kim doyoungOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora