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Note: Let's all pretend that you can see the quidditch pitch from the library for the sake of this story 😂

Note: Let's all pretend that you can see the quidditch pitch from the library for the sake of this story 😂

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The first few weeks of school went by considerably fast for resident Head Girl, Milla Rosamund. The vast number of acquaintances she had doubled if possible, but no real friends managed to pop up from the long corridors of Hogwarts. Cormac, the ex-boyfriend, still remained her only ex-friend. All the hello's she gets from her fellow students who wish to suck up to the Head Girl did not seem to suffice the gaping hole that is her aloneness.

It wasn't the same case for James Potter, though. The boy relished in being recognized and looked up to. After all, he was the last person everyone would have thought would grab the title of a head. He was known for not entirely good things: a prankster who's somehow charming enough to fool a few unsuspecting professors, a persistent git who does not know how to take no for an answer when asking Lily Evans for a date, and lastly, a marauder. The last title was understandable enough. Despite the few admittedly negative traits, Milla was surprised to find the hazel-eyed boy quite dedicated to his tasks and responsibilities. She hated to admit it, but James Potter does possess leadership skills. Kind of.

She's seen it over the past few years. His annoying persistence is often overshadowed by his undying loyalty to his friends. Although sometimes a big idiot, he doesn't hold back from standing up for what he believes in. He can be a bit impulsive, but he saves himself by his charm, wit, wisdom, and braveness.

Milla never really talked to the guy. Their conversations were limited to head meetings and prefect gatherings. They stayed in the same dorms with only a door and a painting separating them, but they never even once exchanged good night's. They knew of each other for seven years, but they never really got past the acquaintance stage. She wonders what it was like to have friends, to be carefree with everything just like James. The blonde couldn't help but feel jealous at times when he hears her dorm-mate's friends sneaking in at times during the night. She longed for something like that; for friendship.

With a quiet sigh, the petite girl fished another roll of parchment from her bag and began to rewrite her potions homework.

The library became quite the haven for Milla. She even has her own corner just by the window where she could clearly see the quidditch pitch. From where she sat, she could see that the place was filled with reds and golds on both the stands and the field itself. She reminded herself that it was the day of the Gryffindor Quidditch tryouts. She's heard Potter fuss about it enough times to know.

Curiously, she peaked a look at the faux game James was hosting. Sometimes the players get close enough to the window that she recognizes them. A few housemates like Sirius Black has flown by more than a couple times. The most surprising of all was Cormac.

Milla knew her ex loved the sport, but didn't really felt like playing it. He's always said that he prefers to watch. Well, look at him now.

He only got fitter, if that was possible. His arms looked definitely more defined by the quidditch wear he's donning, eyes covered by protective gear. She couldn't miss his dirty blonde hair rustling with the wind as he went by. He was the definition of dreamy.

Cormac was never really boyish, even when Milla became friends with him on third year. He always acted like a true gentleman, and appeared to be more mature than his age. That's initially why Milla took a liking to him. They instantly clicked, like two puzzle pieces. They had the same everything. She gave him everything. But, just the summer before seventh year, Cormac decided that Milla's everything weren't enough for him.

A loud clash interrupted Milla from her wandering thoughts.

Glass flew everywhere, some even managed to get in her hair. The girl immediately stood up, disregarding a few bleeding cuts in her arm and looked out the window with a strong glare. People in the library were crowding around her. Madame Pince tried to ask the girl if she was okay, but she paid no mind. Instead, she mustered all of her energy to her angry eyes.

"What in Merlin's beard? You lot just damaged school property!" She shouted, forehead creasing with intensity. The players stopped mid-air, and the crowd in the stands went silent. From the ground, James Potter flew up and hovered a few feet away from her with the same frustrated eyes. Milla's gaze shifted to Cormac before quickly retreating back to the Gryffindor captain. "Ten points from Gryffin—"

Focused to much on the players surrounding her, Milla failed to notice the bludger swiftly making its way toward her head until James Potter all but exclaimed, "Rosamund, look out!"

The blonde closed her eyes and waited for impact.





Nothing but a hard grunt that made her open her eyes. The scene in front of her was made for sickening horror films.

James Potter took the hit for her.

He somehow flew in front of the mirror in an attempt to catch the merciless bludger, and failed to do so. Instead, the impact made his right arms bend backwards, a grunt (the one that Milla heard) falling from his lips as everyone watch his right arm break. Everything seemed to go on slow motion for Milla that she almost didn't see James fall from his broom. Gasps ensued from the audience.

Quickly thinking, she brought out her wand and made the boy float gently until her reached the ground, where a stretcher from the Hospital Wing was already waiting. Without another beat, she rushed to see the boy.

Everything was in flashes. Madam Pomfrey, with the help of magic, carried the stretcher back to the castle, shouting at every student to get out of the way. Milla was out of breath by the time she reached the commotion.

Seeing that James was awake but clutching his arm, she turned her concern into anger. "You bloody idiot! What were you thinking, taking the hit for me?!" She wanted to smack the stupid grin that rested on his face, but he was already injured enough so she opted to pinch his cheeks instead. "Stop bloody smirking for Merlin's sake!"

"A thank you would be very much welcomed at the moment," Amusement filled the boy's hazel eyes.

"Shut up!"

As if on cue, the rest of the Marauders reached them just as they entered the Hospital wing with mixed reactions.

"Prongs are you alright, mate?"

"James, your arm!"

"Oi that was wicked, Prongs!"

Milla didn't have to say who said what. She rolled her eyes at them before turning to Sirius. "It definitely isn't wicked. He could have gotten seriously hurt."

"And why does it concern you, Head Girl?" The grey-eyed boy replied, raising an eyebrow at her.

She glanced at James briefly once again before muttering, "Whatever."

With that, Milla found herself exiting the scene. She didn't even knew the boys well and already, they're going to be the death of her.


Not much dialogue. Just a filler chapter to get to know the OC more. Please vote and comment :))

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