Chapter Five: Unwanted Surprise

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All that girly pink crap I was stressing about? Not a single speck of pink in the room. The bedspread was grey, the pillows were black, the dresser was a very dark brown. Even the walls had been painted light grey. On top of the dresser was a CD player with a stack of CDs by it. I took a closer look at them and realized they were all different albums from my favorite bands.

It was like they had gone all out to try and make me feel welcome and comfortable. I couldn't help but smile. I turned to face them, and they all looked like they were afraid I hated it.

"I love it!" I smiled.

Their sighs of relief made me laugh, and for a moment I almost found myself wanting to hug all of them, but that feeling was quickly overcome with anxiety, so I had to push the thought out.

"Well, Wataru wanted to put a pot of dying roses in the corner over there," Ukyo pointed toward the far left corner of the room. "But we convinced him otherwise. Thought you might think it was a bit much."

"That would have been funny actually," I giggled.

Wataru frowned.

"See? I told you she would have liked it!" he whined. I put my hand on his head and ruffled his hair a bit.

"Maybe later we can go find some roses and let them wilt a little, then we can put them in the corner.  How's that sound?" I asked him.

He cheered right up.

"Yay! I can't wait!"

He took off running down the hall. I turned to face Ukyo and Kaname again.

"So it's just the four of us in this huge house? I think I could get used to that."

Ukyo looked confused and looked at Kaname. Kaname looked guilty.

"You didn't tell her?" Ukyo asked, his voice becoming a little louder.

"Her mom specifically told me not to tell her until we got here," Kaname said, raising his hands in defence.

"Since when do you listen to what people tell you?"

"I listen very well when it comes to pretty girls," Kaname winked at me.

"You didn't listen to me," I stated flatly.

Ukyo cleared his throat and adjusted his glasses.

"Well," he began. "Jenna, those currently living in this house are Masoami, myself, Kaname, Hikaru, Tsubaki, Azusa, Natsume, Louis, Subaru, Iori, Yuusuke, Fuuto, and Wataru."

"So you have more than one person visiting right now?" I asked.

He shook his head.

"We're all brothers."

I counted in my head.

One... Two... Three... Four... There are thirteen brothers...  Living in this house...  Where you're staying... For three weeks...

I couldn't believe it. Why on earth would my mother think this was okay? Sending me to live with thirteen hormonal males for three weeks? Was she crazy?

"You're joking right? You're just messing with me right now, this is so not happening," I began pushing my way through them and down the hall again.

"Jenna, wait!" Kaname called, as they rushed after me.

"Like hell I will!" I yelled. It was after I turned a corner that I realized how right I was about getting lost, so i just followed the next hall and turned a few more corners before I ran into someone, causing me to fall and land on my backside.

"Ow!" I cried, rubbing the area.

"You should watch where you're going," the person said, reaching a hand down to help me up. I grabbed ahold and he pulled me to my feet.

"You okay, though?" he asked. He had fire like red hair that was mostly short but had two long, thin braids down the sides. His eyes were light brown, with a slight hint of gold in them. Again, he was just as gorgeous as his brothers were.

Why, oh, why the the hell are these guys so damn cute? Is this my punishment for something? Was God punishing me for getting a tongue piercing? It must be my grandmother, she was always praying for "sinners" like myself. She probably asked God to do this whole thing, to punish me for that...

"Well?" he broke into my thoughts.

"What? Oh, yeah, I'm fine."

He smirked and said, "You must be Jenna, then. I'm Yuusuke."

"Jenna," I mumbled.

"I already know that."


I mentally kicked myself for being prone to brain farts around cute guys. It always made things more awkward than they needed to be.

"Are you lost?" Yuusuke asked.

I tried to make my smile convincing as I said,  "Nope, just taking a detour to the front door."

He laughed.

"I'll show you."

He headed off in the direction I had come from and I followed, feeling awkward and frustrated. My mom always told me I had better sense of direction than her, but even I wasn't a human compass. I still got mixed up sometimes, especially with new places.

"So, Jenna. How old are you?"

"Eighteen," I mumbled.

"Cool. I'm sixteen myself."

"Really? You look older," I commented, taking in his appearance again. He looked at least nineteen or twenty to me.

"Good genes, I guess," he shrugged, and I had to laugh.

"Good genes... Yeah."

I didn't get my moms good genes. Her hair was beautiful and blonde, mine was always boring brown until I dyed it. While my mother was tall and thin, I was built more like my biological father, short, a bit on the heavier side but not too much, curvy. Mom always told me I was beautiful. I didn't believe her though.

I don't have a pretty face, the only thing people like about me was my curves... They don't want to get to know the person under the skin...

I felt my eyes sting and realized where my thoughts had gone again, and blinked the tears away. I wasn't about to cry for the fourth time today, and definitely not in front of someone I just met.

We rounded one last corner and I recognized the stairs that Kaname, Wataru, Ukyo and I had ascended earlier.

Speaking of the trio, there they stood by the stairs, as if they were waiting for me, along with two other males.

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