Chapter Three: Patience Is A Virtue

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"Are you okay?" Kaname asked, rushing to my side.

"You better not have gotten any in the car," the driver said, checking in the back seat to make sure I didn't ruin his precious car. "That would be costly for you-"

"Would you shut up already!" Kaname said harshly. "The poor girl is having enough stress as it is and all you can think of is yourself."

The driver glared at him.

"Be that way then," he grumbled. And, before either of us could say anything, he popped open the trunk, yanked out my luggage, threw it on the ground, got back into his car and drive off, flipping us the bird as he went.

I sat there in shock. I looked up at Kaname. He looked absolutely livid.

"That ass will be reported most definitely," he growled under his breath. "Here."

He pulled a water bottle out of his bag and handed it to me to rinse my mouth out. I gladly accepted it and thoroughly rinsed my mouth before guzzling the contents.

"Shit, sorry," I mumbled, but he smiled.

"It's fine,  I have an extra."


"Any time, Jen."

I looked around. We were kind of in the middle of nowhere at this point, and very few cars drove past, so he picked up my suitcase and we started walking in the direction of the next gas station, probably about thirty minutes away.

"Personally I think riding in a taxi sucks," I stated. He chuckled.

"Yeah it kind of does. I'd much rather drive myself, but your mother insisted on a cab."

"Gee, I wonder why that is."

Kaname chuckled again. He pulled out his cellphone and began texting someone. I was breathing a little heavy, as I wasn't entirely used to walking a lot, and this was wearing me out faster than it should have been. He looked at me.

"Do you want me to carry you?"

"Excuse me? "

"We can do piggy back, over the shoulder, bridal style," he winked as he said the last part. "Anything works for me."

I glared at him.

"I can walk just fine, thank you very much," I said a bit harshly. I picked up my pace but soon my calves were burning and I had to stop to catch my breath.

"Are you sure you don't want me to-"

"I'm fine!" I snapped. I began walking again, but only after a few minutes I  paused again.

"That's it. I'm carrying you whether you like it or not, because at this pace we will get nowhere. Over the shoulder, piggy back, or bridal," he said sternly. "Take your pick."

I frowned but I knew he wouldn't let me get my way.

"Piggy back I guess," I mumbled.

He set my suitcase down and crouched near me so I could climb onto his back. Once I was securely on, he picked up my suitcase again and we were off. I was a bit annoyed because his walking pace was much faster than it had been when I was walking.

Yeah, thanks for reminding me I'm a stupid slow poke.

Twenty minutes later we were at the gas station and he set me down.

"Do you want anything to eat or drink?" Kaname asked as we walked inside. I just shrugged and made my way towards the back where the bathroom were. Luckily for me there was no one else waiting. That meant I could think for a bit.

As I thought about everything that happened, getting car sick, the taxi abandoning us, piggy back riding Kaname for nearly half an hour, I started to laugh. It wasn't a happy giggle, I laughed because of how stressed out I was, and how stupid it all seemed. I felt like this whole situation was entirely unnecessary and just some big scheme to make me end up in an asylum.

Well it's working so far. They're gonna drive you nuts, Jenna. You're gonna snap and kill someone or something and they'll be happy to lock you away.

Before I knew it, I was in tears for the third time today. I felt overwhelmed, frustrated, angry.

I could just see my mother, with her hand on her hip and that stern look, scolding me for acting like a child again.

"Stop. You can do this,  you can do this," I whispered to myself, taking deep breaths until I was calm enough to face my cousin again.

I finished up and walked out to look for him. I found him at the register, buying a few snack items and two bottles of water.

"Feel better?" He asked, and I nodded. He smiled.

"That's good. I called Ukyo and let him know of our predicament. He will be here in half an hour to pick us up."

"Who?" I asked.

"Ukyo. He is the one above me, and Masoami is the eldest."

"I thought you guys were 3 hours away from my place. Is he speeding or something?"

"He was already near the area."


I suddenly wondered just how many siblings Kaname had. I knew there were at least four, Kaname, Ukyo, Masoami, and one I couldn't remember the name of.



"How many siblings do you have? My mom never told me."

He got a funny look in his eyes for a moment and chuckled.

"I can probably guess why she doesn't want you to know," he murmured.

"Why not?" I asked, annoyed now. He was keeping it a secret from me, and my own mother wouldn't even tell me. What was the big deal about me not knowing how many cousins I'd be staying with?

"You will see when we get there," he said.

"I want to know now, though!"

"Patience is a virtue, Jenna. It would be wise to acquire that virtue."

Great, now he was going all Monk mode on me.

"Not fair," I pouted. He smirked, but said nothing.

We walked outside again. He found a bench a little ways away and we sat down. He offered me a bag of jerky and I took a few pieces out, slowly chewing on one. I forgot how tasty it was.

We sat in silence for a while, munching on our snacks until a nice looking, silver car pulled up near us.

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