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Family gatherings
My picture of hell
My cousins with their I am better than thou attitudes
Stories  of their achievements  that I can't and won't ever be able to top
Story about my dead mother and they just skip the facts of how she was a slut , an alcoholic  and a druggie
They say I am like  her twin
Why would I want to be compared to her when all she did was horrible  and cruel
Story of my great grandparents  and how they did their serving to God
And how I should do mission trip when all I can think about in church is how the hell am I supposed to put everything into the hand of someone who has abandoned  me
They tell share stories  about  my brother and his accomplishments  and how I should be proud that my little brother is super smart and get straight A's
They never really mention me and when they do ask me how I've been and what I've been up to
I don't answer because I know I will never live up to their standards

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