Doflamingo x Swan Reader Part 2!

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It had been a month or so since the incident and thanks to the tontata's princess you were completely healed the day it happened, so why did Doffy not let you out of his sight? Granted you got to see his ruthless side that made your skin tingle sometimes, a side you never saw first hand around him before because of how sweet he was to you. But it came at a price. You were no longer allowed to sleep outside and instead you had a beautiful custom made bed that sat in the corner closet to Doffy's that you slept in. Going to the gardens that you once slept in every night actually became quite difficult.

Doffy would not let you out alone and you couldn't be with just anybody, it had to be a family member and even then Doffy would eventually 'happen' to go there too. You weren't sure how you felt about the man you cared so dearly for doing this. You mainly thought that he believed you to be to weak to be on your own and yes you weren't the strongest but you were clever and evasive. You could handle yourself for the most part and the thought of him not trusting you made you really depressed. But then there was that small little voice that would tell you 'maybe, just maybe... he is so protective because he feels the same.' You immediately shake the thought from your mind every time it appears. Hope wasn't going to do you any good in this situation.

Besides, you had come up with a way to ditch everyone and try and do the one thing you were good at again, collecting information. Maybe then you could get things back to the way they were before and push that little voice back into the depths of your mind once more.

You set the note you had written for Doffy on your bed and shift back to your swan form after opening the window. You didn't care if anyone saw you because no one would realize who you were until it was to late. You fly down towards the gardens and hide among the swans again. Only Doffy can tell you apart from the others so  you would hide among the flock and if he came by you would simply cause a ruckus and make the swans scatter so you could disappear with ease. The note you left would explain it all so even then you doubted Doffy would search very deeply for you. Instead of giving notes to Doffy directly you would tie them to other swans and animals. After awhile you would slowly do it yourself again.

You notice that many of the servants and guards were running around the grounds. Doffy came back sooner than you thought. Deciding that the first place they would look would be your shack and the other swans, you frighten the flock and scatter with them to find a better hiding place. You end up in the branches of a pear tree surrounded by other ripening fruits and vegetables.

You watch as the swans are rounded up and Doffy walks out with your note in hand to look at them. Or that's what you thought he went out to do but instead he ignores all the swans and walks right up to your cluster of trees.

"I will be of no use to you inside the walls of the castle. I belong outside where I can be a useful pawn for the family, not a beautiful bed next to yours." He reads from your note before looking up at you and moving his fingers. You are immediately pulled down from the tree by your wings and into his arms. You look up at him, his smile gone. It was replaced with a scowl and a vein that popped from his forehead. "My lovely (Y/N), you are no pawn. You're more suited to another piece." You hesitate before speaking.

" how can I possibly be beneficial to you if I can't inform you of what is going on around the castle. No one will speak their secrets around me when a family member is beside me. I doubt they would even speak around a swan anymore now that they know I'm a devil fruit user." He listens to your worries as he walks back to his room. Once inside he closes the door and sits down on his bed while not letting you go.

"Such a ridiculous way of thinking is no reason to try and start your games all over again. I'm glad I had the foresight to put a few of my strings on you." He pulls your face to look at his while once again you are left stunned.

"What?" You breathe.

"I wanted to make sure no one would get away with taking you away from me, including yourself, so I put a few of my strings on you. I also filled up every little crack and hole in the wall that I ignored til now as well as had your little shack torn down." His smirk returned to his face as he told you everything he had done to insure you were always within his grasp.

"But all of my things were in that shack and how will I be able to leave the castle without being noticed to gather more information if all the cracks are filled." You were filled with several emotions from confusion to sadness and anger, but the strongest one was the warmth that filled your chest as you realize just how his protectiveness was more like possessiveness. He was possessive of you. It made your heart soar.

"I moved your things into a spare room before hand," he spoke as his grip on your face tightened a little. "And you will never leave the castle unless your with me. There is no need for you to hide your beauty anymore. In fact, I'm having the other animals in the gardens released or sold so that you cannot hide among them anymore either." You felt as if you were backed into a corner. Doffy has cut off all your escape routes.

"But how will I help you, how can I be of use if not as an informant?" You began to panic a little as you thought of how you would no longer belong by his side if you had no use.

"Fufufu, Looks like you didn't even realize that I started my own little game after I won yours. Should I give you a hint?" He leans down to your ear and whispers, " I lied about never seeing your true form. A woman like you is not fit for the position pawn, but as my queen instead." That was it , you could no longer hold back that voice or the feelings you held for him. You began to flap around your wings and sped of to the corner of the room that held your bed. You faced the corner covering your face as your face grew as red as the day it was colored in your blood. You couldn't handle this, your heart was pounding to get out of your chest. You were so busy trying to process everything that you didn't even notice when Doffy came and crouched next to you.

"I would love to see it again." You jump when you hear him so close and turn to him.

"O-okay." You mutter, by now you were on autopilot. You couldn't rationalize anything, the only thing you did know was that if Doffy wanted to see you in your human form than you would show him. You grab the blanket from your bed and let it fall over you, knowing that you would transform naked and your heart has had enough to deal with without the love of your life seeing you in all your naked glory.

As you turn back into your original form you avoid I eye contact with the man in front of you and focus on holding the blanket around you so that it falls over your shoulders and covers to your knees. After what felt like ages he pulls you up and onto his arm as if you were still in your swan form and stops your squirming by pulling your face up to meet his face with his other hand causing you to freeze.

"Absolutely beautiful. You know some servants told me that a woman with (H/C) hair opened the window and shortly after they saw you fly out into the garden." A vein suddenly makes its way back onto his forehead. "I am quite upset that someone other than I saw you like this, from now on your not allowed to show anyone your human form unless I say so." You nod, still in your trance. Doffy smiles wider at your quick reply and the vein disappears. "Good, now turn back. Your not leaving my side for quite awhile after the stunt you pulled today." You do as your told and then move up his arm to his shoulder, the blanket now forgotten on the floor.

"Doffy," You say after finally finding your voice.

"Yes, my lovely queen." His voice sending shockwaves through your body.

"I still want to be of use to you and the rest of the family."

"I already now what your new job is my dear, I'll tell you later. For now let's reintroduce you to the family." As he heads towards the dinning room for dinner.

Genesis here! I'm actually not to sure how I feel about this one. Should I change it, expand on it a bit more, or just leave it?

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