Mihawk x Hawk reader

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You have been flying all day again and feel yourself growing weary and tired. You didn't even want to think of food. You recently passed the calm belt, and there was no way you were hunting for fish in those waters, but now that you were out of it and had only two things on your mind. A place to rest and fish. So you flew close to the water surface for any signs of prey, occasionally looking up to check for land or ships. You managed to get some small fish here and there, but nothing to fill your stomach.

You see something wiggle to your right and spot a large school of fish jumping in and out of the water. You happily soar a little ways up to find the best way to catch the most fish when you spot a ship a bit further to the right and back. It was more of a boat than a ship, though, and it was shaped like a coffin with a single man aboard. It feels oddly familiar, but you brush it off as the hunger and fatigue. Then an idea came to you, this would be perfect and if the man gave you any problems you could just peck his eyes out.

You swoop down and sink your claws into the biggest fish you saw and then start to fly towards the boat where you drop it in front of the man, not evening looking at him. After dropping off the fish, you go back to the school and repeat the process until you have a nice pile of fish. Only when you perch down to admire your handiwork did you notice who the man was. Of course the boat looked familiar. You had seen it in the papers. This was Dracule 'Hawk-eyes' Mihawk's boat, and he was staring straight at you. He wore his signature hat and coat with a glass of wine in his right hand.

You stare back as you slowly walk to your pile of fish and reach one of your claws out to snag one. He thought you were just a bird, so there was no way he would waste his time on you. You would eat your fill and then take off. You break eye contact with the man and turn your attention to your food, looking back at him every so often to make sure you were safe.

You start to slash at the fish with your claws, gutting and cleaning it quickly before cutting it into sashimi. As you swallow the first slice, you caw happily at the taste. Not only was this good fish, but you had been eating the small fish whole since you had nowhere to prepare it. You start to toss the slices into your mouth with joy at not having to stomach the nasty parts of the fish anymore, completely forgetting about the man who was now watching you with curiosity and amusement

You are about to cut up your third fish when you see Mihawk move slightly, and you fly above quickly and stare at him. He chuckles and sips from his glass.

"You're quite good at that, mi cielito." He holds out his hand and looks at you expectantly. You tilt your head and fly up to him warily. As you land on his hand, he smiles at you and begins to stroke your feathers. You find yourself leaning into his strokes and enjoying his company while he hums to you.

Before you knew it, you had perched yourself on his shoulder after finishing your food to rest. He wouldn't do anything to you in this form, and it's been so long since you had company of any kind. You weren't particularly fond of company, but with Mihawk, there weren't any annoying conversations or awkward silence, just a comforting feeling that hung in the air around him.

Days had passed, and you found the boat heading toward a gloomy island with odd twisting mountains. You begin to shuffle about and are about to take off, not wanting to chance anything on an island like that.

"What is wrong, mi cielito? We are almost home." You fly back down to him and land on his open hand. Did he say home? He was taking you to his home? You've never really had a place to call home before. You were always out on the sea, hopping from one place to another. It would be nice if you could find a place you felt enough comfort in to call a home. 

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