Intermission - Q&A; Answers

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Good morning/day/evening! It is finally here; the answers to the questions you've all asked me. I might not be able to answer EVERY question because some of them contain spoilers, but I promise to do my best to answer it SOME way.

I hope you enjoy this Q&A and don't be afraid to leave further questions if something isn't properly explained.



Freedom1010 - Does Alexandrei really love Aleksandr? If so, is there a reason?

Answer - I do believe that he does, but he does not yet understand in what way. He's only experienced one kind of 'love' since he was 'born', and that is the sexual kind that Dr. Valkov taught him. He has yet to understand the different kinds of love. Hopefully he will learn the different kinds and finally understand what he really feels toward Aleksandr.

Crying-Tea314 - What chapter are you planning to end on?

Answer - I'm not really sure...but there are quite a few left, so between 55-60? I can't give you a definite answer.

Iacaiyaweirdo - If the chip was not in him, would Aleksandr have his curse without Alexandrei in his mind? Can you explain Vladimir?

Answer - I'm not really understanding the question but I assume you mean, if Aleksandr still had his curse would Alexandrei have it too? And the answer to that is yes, because he is like a 'copy' of Aleksandr and has his own set of curse. Vladimir is a scientist working at the institute but I do believe he has a dark past...

LunaDragneel6 - If Aleksandr was able to successfully run away from the orphanage in the first book without being found by Dr. Valkov; what would have happened then?

Answer - Aleksandr was a time-ticking bomb and his powers would be too much some time and Dr. Valkov would have found him any way. Even if Aleksandr didn't use his powers, he would probably be found because Dr. Valkov would have sent the entire police force to find him. But let us say that Aleksandr is amazing at hiding; he would probably live on the streets, maybe find someone to help him and if he didn't...well...the winter is very harsh in Russia so he would probably have died from the cold.

brabbit714 - Will Aleksandr be able to use his curse again? Who is your favorite character? Is there a clone for everyone? What is your favorite food? What will happen to Alexandrei if Aleksandr somehow absorbs his power back?

Answer - I can't answer if he will use his curse again, but there is a possibility. My favorite characters are Aleksandr and Yuri, sometimes I like Yuri more and other times I lean toward Aleksandr. My favorite food is fried chicken and fish and chips - but I enjoy ALL kinds of food. Alexandrei will have his powers since he already had them from before even when Aleksandr had them.

Katkakbis - If Alexandrei died or disappeared, would Aleksandr get his powers back? Why is Alexandrei possessive of Aleksandr? Who is the blonde guy with the doctor? Why does Aleksandr's powers hurt him when he uses it, but Natalia's powers doesn't harm her?

Answer - No. Because Aleksandr has his own powers without Alexandrei. The reason Aleksandr can't use his powers is because of the chip Dr. Valkov implanted into his head. I think the reason Alexandrei is possessed is because he has strong feelings toward Aleksandr and he can't show them in any other way than the way Dr. Valkov has shown him - through force. The blond guy is Vladimir and he is a scientist working at the institute. Natalia does get hurt by her powers too, but she get's more dizzy and a headache - and the second is, she can control it better and knows when to stop and one of the reasons being her older age and generally being a calmer person than our dear Aleksandr.

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