t h r e e

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january, 1985

Elizabeth let out a sigh, falling onto her bed dramatically.

"I don't understand why you pulled me out of Saint Mary's."

Elizabeth's mother sighed at the sight of her daughter collapsed on her bed.

"Your father and I wanted you to have a normal high school experience. To get out and experience life, not stay cooped up in here studying space."

Elizabeth rolled her eyes, sitting up. "Not true. I go to the garden."


Letting out a loud groan, Elizabeth continue to argue with her mother.

"So what you're telling me, is that you pulled me out of a private finishing school, so I could go to parties and drink alcohol and smoke?"

"Absolutely not,"

"Then what are you saying?"

Elizabeth's mother let out a sigh, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Elizabeth, ever since I married John, you've had your nose in your textbooks or looking at the stars. It's not fair to any of us."

Turning on her heel, Elizabeth's mother trudged down the hall, exhausted.

Elizabeth let out a groan as she sat down on her bed once again.

Soon enough, her door was closed and she was reading Fahrenheit 451.

"God damnit Montag,"

Before she could continue the chapter, Steve began to bang on her door. "Eli, open up!"

"Don't call me Eli," Elizabeth opened her door, glaring at Steve. "I am not a boy."

"That's what they want you to think," Steve retorted. "Oh, and dad wants you to take out the trash."

"Okay Steve, you gotta go."

Steve glared at Elizabeth as she gave him a dazzling smile.


The next day, school went by fast, and soon Elizabeth found herself sitting amongst the leaves and flowers; the sun grazing her skin softly.

Taking a deep breath, she laid down on the blanket she had spread out, looking up at the sky.

She closed her eyes, entranced by the smells and colors that surrounded her.

As if wanting to ruin her relaxation, the watch in her bag started going off.

"Ugh," she groaned, sitting up. "Why on Earth do I have to go to that stupid basketball game?"

Begrudgingly, she made her way back to her car, hauling the blanket with her.

Soon enough, she found herself surrounded by people who knew her from afar, parents cheering their kids on, and of course, alcohol.

Rolling her eyes at the festivities that were going on around her, she stepped out of her car, slamming the door behind her.


Tina jogged towards her, slinging an arm around her shoulders.

"Hi, I'm Tina, you're new here, so I am going to personally invite you to one of my legendary parties. Tonight."

Elizabeth shook her head, a smirk playing on her lips. "Is that it?"

"Yep!" Tina exclaimed, removing her arm from Elizabeth's shoulders as they ended up in front of the gym.

"Anyways, think about my offer." Elizabeth nodded as she met Tina's eyes.

"Sure, I'll think about it."

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