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january, 1985

"Who is that?" Billy eyed. Her brown hair grazed her shoulders as she sauntered into the school, full of confidence.

"Oh her," Tommy chuckled. "That's Steve's younger sister."

"I didn't know Stevie had a younger sister,"

"Yep," Carol interrupted, sitting next to Tommy on the top of Billy's car. "She went to school in the next town over. All girls school."

"Why's she here?" Billy asked, still enchanted with the way her hips swayed as she walk, the light in her eyes, with the smirk that danced on her lips.

"Nobody knows,"

Billy pushed off of his car, making his way towards her. "Hargrove!"

Letting out a reluctant sigh, Billy turned to come face to face with Steve. "Harrington?"

"Stay away from her."

Billy gave Steve a sly smirk, taking a puff from his cigarette.


Steve glared at Billy, his jaw clenched as he began once again.

"My sister,"

"Oh, her!" Billy exclaimed. "Ya, I wasn't planning on it."

"Good," growled Steve. "Because if I catch you even looking at her, I will kill you."

"Mhm," Billy hummed, taking another puff from his cigarette. "Sure,"

Pushing past Steve, Billy made his way towards the front office.

"Hi, I'm Elizabeth Harrington. I just transferred here." As Billy stood in the doorway, he immediately became entranced with Elizabeth's voice.

"Mr. Hargrove," scolded the secretary. "This school has a no smoking policy."

Rolling his eyes, Billy let the cigarette drop from his lips, crushing it beneath his boot before it could spark anything.

Elizabeth let out a soft giggle before turning back to the secretary, who simply rolled her eyes. "Anyways, as you were saying."

"Ya, I'm a transfer student."

Billy came up next to Elizabeth, leaning against the cheap counter by his forearms. "I could give you a tour,"

"Um," Elizabeth looked at the secretary as if asking for permission to walk around the school.

Sighing, the secretary nodded, handing Elizabeth a paper. "Here's your schedule. It has your locker number and combination on it. Don't lose it."

Elizabeth nodded, stepping away from the counter.

"So, Mr. Hargrove, where do we start?"

"Hey, Steve." Elizabeth greeted as she sat down at the lunch table.

"Hey," Steve replied, his jaw set as he glared at Billy.

"Steve," Billy nodded.

"Billy," Steve growled, breaking his plastic fork.

"Billy!" Tommy called out, beaconing him to their usual spot.

Billy shook his head in reply, turning to Elizabeth.

"So, which school are you from Elizabeth?" Billy asked, entranced with the way her eyes lit up when she talked and the way her hair bounced softly as she laughed.

"Saint Mary's," Elizabeth glanced at Billy, a small smirk on her face. "Heard you're from California."

"I told you that,"

Elizabeth let out a laugh, spearing a piece of her lunch with her fork.
"I know,"

Giving him a wink, she ate the food at the end of her fork, turning back to Steve.

"Okay, I can't do this." Steve began. "Sis, why are you hanging out with this dipshit?"

Elizabeth shrugged. "He's pretty cute,"

Billy let out a laugh as Elizabeth glanced at him, their eyes locking.

Steve groaned, rolling his eyes. "He's also a bad guy."

"Well," Elizabeth said, "every girl does love a bad boy."

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