The new demon in town

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+Dippers POV+

Three days passed since I ran into the woods and found Bill Ciphers statue from weirdmageddon. Three days have passed since I realised that Grunkle Ford HATES me. Three days since we found out that Bill had a son. Nothing has happened since. Today is Mabel's and my birthday. The entire town is coming to celebrate it since we're the family who stopped weirdmageddon. Since we're the family who killed Bill. Personally I don't think he's gone. I keep hearing his voice ever since the statue incident. Why do I. Grunkle Ford said that he was gone for good. But then he thought that when he sealed Bill in the Mindscape forever.  I can't trust my family ever again. Well everyone except Mabel. She has never lied to me and has always stuck by my side....hasn't she?

+Mabels POV+

I was starting to get worried about the conversation that Grunkle Ford had with us on that day about who Bills son is. We had to keep a very very close eye on Dipper since. Oh Dipper I hope you'll be alright.


"Grunkle Ford what the hay hay?? Dipper could have totally helped! He's my nerdy twin brother who loves mystery hunting. He would help even better that me!" I shouted (Yes this is still in Mabels Pov) "Ya Sixer why didn't you allow Dipper to be apart of this conversation?"  Stan questioned. Ford looked upset but mad at the same time. Sorta what Grunkle Stan looks like in the mornings. Then he Shouted Whispered "Because I have to tell you both something about Bill. Something in the story that I left out on propose. But what ever I say does NOT leave this room. Okay?"  Grunkle Stan and I both nodded our heads. "Okay when I found Bills kid I...I gave him  to two lovey people. They lived in Piedmont California. They had recently had a child that looked identical to Dipper." At this point I started crying and Grunkle Stan bowed his head."His child grew up as a twin of  Someone. His pretend twin Sister was called..." Then Grunkle Ford bowed his head  and I swear that I saw a tear slip down his cheek. "Mabel..." I said softly. Grunkle Ford looked up at me and nodded his head ever so slightly. "Stan, Mabel  you mustn't tell Dipper about this conversation. On his 13th birthday we must constantly keep a close eye on him. I have a feeling that when I was in the mindscape with Bill 13 years ago that spell that he said would break the seal and allow Bill to locate Dipper."

=End of Flashback=

+Dippers POV+

I was walking around the shack greeting everyone. Even Gideon and Robbie came. It was 11:50am. Only 10 more minutes until Mabel and I officially turn 13. I was so excited to turn 13 but I have a strange feeling that something bad is going to happen. Grunkle Stan brought out the cake. Were on earth did he get it!? It is huge!

+Mabels POV+

When Grunkle Stan brought out the cake I saw the little glimmer of happiness return in dippers eyes. I smiled when I saw this, finally Dipper is happy again! It was 12:59 'only one more minute'. Everyone started singing happy birthday. 'Hopefully the extended unicorn shield would keep Bill out. 10 more seconds.9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1....... Nothing happened we blew out our candles. then...

+Dippers POV+

Once we blew out our candles the town started cheering. I felt so dizzy all the sudden and a huge throbbing headache hit me like the force of a stampede. A blue PineTree appeared in the palm of my hand. Shock waves leaked out of me forcing everyone to the ground. "WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON!??!" I shouted Mabel, Grunkle Stan and Ford gave me a worried look. "HA HA HA HA HA" I knew that laugh from anywhere. Oh no! NO NO NO! It's Bill! The world faded into monochrome and time stopped well everyone and everything except the townspeople and us. "WELL ISN'T THIS INTERESTING! AND YES PINETREE NO I'M NOT GONE THANKS TO YOU I'M FREE FROM THAT STATUE. ANYWAY SIXER, SHOOTING STAR, FEZ CARE TO EXPLAIN? I KNOW THAT YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!" I looked at Mabel, Grunkle Stan and Ford. They all look away and don't say a thing. "HA HA HA WELL I GAVE YOU A CHANCE. YOU SEE PINETREE I CAME HERE LOOKING FOR MY SON" I nod my head slightly. "WELL TURNS OUT YOUR MY SON PINETREE! SEE THAT BLUE, GLOWING PINETREE IN YOUR HAND PROVES IT ALL."

I look down at my hand and see the PineTree I then look over and Mabel who had tears running down her face. She took a deep breath in then said"Dipper i'm sorry that we did not tell you. We thought that you would be safe if we didn't. We thought that if you never knew B-Bill would have never found you and the seal would have never been broken." She sat there crying "Seriously Mabel you thought that it was a good idea to keep my real dad and me separated for even longer!??? That decision was even worse that the idea of you eating 13 packets of smile dip in one go. I'm sorry I can't bear to live with you liars and traitors any longer."I turn to Bill who was just floating there and think 'Bi... I mean Father can we go home now?' Father looks at me and says 'sure thing PineTree I just need to do one thing first.' Suddenly a blue and yellow glow surrounds him followed by a bright light. When every one could see again we could see a dashing man with yellow and black hair, a yellow tailcoat with a brick pattern around the bottom, a white dress shirt, black pants, black dress shoes, a bow tie and a top hat.

'Like my new looks PineTree?' the man says. I just stood there with my mouth wide open. I looked around and everyone had the exact same expression as me. "F-father?" I say a bit scared that he was gone. "The one and only. Now your turn." I look around and see a blue orb come out of my chest. Father flicks his fingers and it turns half golden. Then it circles around me. I feel my ears and teeth start to grow pointy. My clothing turns into an outfit just like my fathers but blue and a bowtie with a little PineTree pin appears in the middle. I look up and see that there is a smaller version of Fathers top hat floating above my head. Once the light dims and the orb goes back inside of me I hear the town gasp. 'Now we can go home PineTree. Do you want to say your goodbyes?'

I look at G-I mean Stan, Ford and Mabel look at me with a mix of sadness, anger and shock on there faces. "No I think I'm good. Actually one more thing." I say then turn around to face the scared townsfolk. "Hi my name is Alcor D Cipher. I used to be known as Dipper Pines but this is who I always was. These people, the Pines deceived me for 13 years of my life. They made me think I was someone else. I'm Alcor D Cipher and I'm the new demon in town." I look at the Pines. I feel that I still had the journal in my possession. I walk over to Mabel and give it to her. I look at Ford and then Mabel. "Your lucky i'm giving this back, think of it as a birthday present. I walk back to Father and nod then he nods back. Father puts a hand on my shoulder and says "Remember all of you Reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, BYE!" At that point both of us disappeared.

+Mabels POV+

"Remember all of you Reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, bye gold, BYE!" After Bill said that both Bill and Dipper disappeared. I really screwed this one up. I look down at the journal and start to cry "this is the only thing I have left of Dipper." I'll get you back Dipper I promise.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi my amazing Trancendance Fans... It's your girl Rocketpuppy10 hope you liked the new chapter!!!!!!!! anyway You'll probably get the next chapter in the middle of next week and if i'm in a good mood to write it will be sooner. UGGGG iv'e been writing since 7:30 now its 11:03. WHY any see ya soon bye!

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