Meeting her

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Okay, I swear I'm going to get like, everything wrong on the them being in PDH,  and the dialogue beetween charaters, all this because I actually haven't watched PDH, EVER. So, I will try to be as accurate as possible! Thx for understanding.

~Zane P.O.V~


"Grrrr...." I growl under my breath.

As usual I wake up earlier than everyone. Well, except for dad because he goes to work earlier than everyone to go to work but still.

I go to my dresser and pick out some dyed grey jeans. Then I grab a white shirt and I slip it on. Then I throw on a white flannel and I button it up. Then I hear something down the hall. It's just mom. Garroth or Vlyad would never wake up earlier, or even close to when I wake up.

"Morning Zuzuuu~!" I hear her chiming into my room.

"Morning Mommy!" I chime in the same tune as my mom.

Then she goes downstairs to make breakfast.

I grab a blue coat from my closet and slip on some black converse. And then I dig through my closet to find a mask, luckily, I found a blue mask, AND the blue tie I lost yesterday when we bought my uniform... Hah, I'm so forgetful.

Buzz Buzz. I rush over to my light blue nightstand and snatch my phone off of it.

"HELLO?! ZANE!?" I hear a squeaky voice squeal, mother of IRENE that hurt.

"Oww... Yes.... It's Zane. Now, don't tell me who this is, let me guess." I reply, I'm sure it's Aphmau! Best friend from last year! Go-to buddy! She was the best, she was like a big sister! That was short. (Heh.)

"YESS! IT'S ME! APHMAU!" she screamed into the phone. Oww...

"It's so good to hear your voice again. After I moved away from MyStreet I realized I never gave you my number." I say, holding back my urge to ask her so many questions about how she was doing, although that would be annoying, I WANTED TO SO BAD THOUGH.

I fast walk to the clock I had recently thrown across the room. It was 6:30, good, I'm still on time. Wait... Do I smell... food?

"Uhm... Save this number as me! Zane RoMaeve! I gotta go!" I say really swiftly.

"Wait!" Aphmau stops me on the last split-second.

"What school are you going to?" She asks.

"Uhm... Pheonix Drop Hi-"

"I'M GOING THERE TOO!" Aphmau squeals "See you at school then Zuzu!" Then she hangs up. Well, seeing her will be fun. I guess I won't be alone in highschool after all!

I dash down stairs as fast as I could. I didn't run because of my athsma, but I would've because there was FOOD.

"Hey Zuzuuuu~!" Mom sang as I dashed in "I made your favorite!!"

Could it be?! Could she really have made... "Strawberry Pancakes with a side of hashbrowns with mommies ketchup with a strawberry malt!?" I squealed in the same tune as my mom.

"Yes!" Mom said as she served my favorite breakfast.

"This is just to get rid of those emo feels of yours!" She said.

"MOOOOMMM!" I groan. I hate it when she treats me like I'm not 13 already! I know, inside I will always be her little Zuzu but on the outside, I'm so much more than the outside shows.

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