Kotlc crew reacts to first book in their series.

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Hi. It's Mira again, in here I will be called by my middle name, Selene, like they know me. I still look like how I, Mira, did in the other book. This pic is super cute!

Me: *appears in a puff of smoke* Hi guys! I know I may be the most irritating elf in the history of the world, but you guys have to see this!

Sophie: *freaks out* What are you doing in my room!

Me: Read this! Bye! *Disappears in a puff of smoke*

Dex: Who was she?

Keefe: The annoying author lady named Selene.

Biana: Shouldn't we check out what she left us?

Fitz: For once, I agree with Biana.

*Biana glares at Fitz.*

Fitz: What?!?!

Linh: *opens a book and reads aloud.* "Blurry, fractured memories swam through Sophie's mind, but she couldn't place them together." Well Sophie, I guess we know why she told us to read them.

Sophie: Dude, that's freaky how she knows that.

Tam: Your teachers name was Mr. Sweeny? Was he mean?

Keefe: If he was, then he's gonna pay for it.

*Sophie blushes*

An annoyed Fitz: Can we just read the book?

Dex: I agree, this is awkward, we should just read the book.

*Kotlc crew reads*

Me: *appears again* Awwwwww! That's so cute! You guys look so adorable when you read! Especially Keefe. *Looks at Keefe dreamly*

Keefe: What.

Sophie: FORGET SHE SAID ANYTHING. What do you want, Selene?

Me: How do you like the book so far?

Biana and Linh: I love it! It's so cute!!! Who knew that Sophie liked- *is stopped by Sophie*

Sophie: NOBODY.

Dex: *mumbles* Stupid Wonderboy and Keefe.

Fitz and Keefe: *smiling* What did you say?

Dex: Nothing!

Me: I'm gonna leave you guys to read, I'll be back in a few! *Puffs away*

Tam: Awkward...

*Kotlc crew continues book.*

Biana: How did you live though that allergic reaction to limbium (help me spell. Lol.)

Fitz: Now I see why you were traumatized by the kidnapping. How did you guys survive?

Me: *puffs back* Yeah, how?

Kotlc crew but Tam screams.

Tam: You should really stop doing that, I think I'm gonna go deaf in the next two times.

Me: *blushes* Sorry.

Sophie: What now.

Keefe: Yeah, what now.

Kotlc crew but Sophie and Keefe face palm.

Keefe: What! Somebody's gotta be a backup Foster!

Sophie: Shut up Keefe. What do you want Selene.

Me: Did you guys read the kidnapping?

Dex: Duh. Why'd you think we were talking about it.

Me: IDK.

Linh: Can we just finished the book?

Me: Bye! *Puffs away*

Keefe: How does she do that?

My voice: I'm an elf too.

They scream and continue readjng. They finish the book.

Sophie: Wow. That was seriously intense when you're it in a book.

Kotlc crew but Soph: Yeah.

Me: *appears* Isn't Shannon Messenger a good writer?

Kotlc crew doesn't scream.

Tam: *waves arms* Finally! They have stopped! About time too!

Kotlc crew and I stare at him

Me: Anyway, I shall bring the next books later, do you want to keep the books or should I take them?

Kotlc crew: Keep.

Me: Bye!

Kotlc crew: Go away.

Me: *frowns* Okay. *Puffs away*

Kotlc Reacts With Selena Myran❤Where stories live. Discover now