I know

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Author's P.O.V

"Jihoon, lets meet"

And that's how Jihoon and Woojin end up in a cafe nearby their office. Woojin look at Jihoon warily but he look determined at the same time.

"Isn't it funny how all of us end up working at the same place?" Woojin ask and Jihoon nodded.

"I know" Woojin suddenly said and Jihoon look at him confusedly.

"What did you know?" Jihoon ask and Woojin chuckled seeing how lost Jihoon look like.

"I know that you already died. I know how suddenly our world change, I know how suddenly times fly really fast, I know how suddenly we becoming a worker and not a high school student. I also know that this is happened because you were born back into this world" Woojin said.

"Oh you know- wait...."

"YOU KNOW?!" Jihoon shouted making the whole customer shout back at him to low down his voice.

"Calm down!" Woojin said trying to hide his face because of the embarassment.

"Can't you not be so loud for once?" Woojin said and drag him outside.

"How can you know?!" Jihoon shake Woojin's body desperately.

"I don't know too. I just suddenly know. I still remember how sorrowful it was when you died. Then the next day before I know it, I'm a worker. No longer a high school student who walk through the school corridor with a slump shoulder because his best of friend already leave him" Woojin muttered and Jihoon sigh.

"There must be an error occured. Woojin, this is between you and me. Please don't let the other knows. Moreover, I don't think that they will believe you" Jihoon said and Woojin stared at him for a long time.

"Please don't leave us again. And if things doesn't work out with Guanlin, you can always find me, you know that?" Woojin said and hug Jihoon tightly.

"I know, Woojin-ah. Its nice to talk freely with you now without worrying about the past. You can be my boyfriend if Guanlin didn't want me" Jihoon crack a joke and both of them chuckled.

"Are you just confessed to me in advance? You know that it's not good to play with my feeling right?" Woojin replied and make a sad face before both of them turn into a giggling fit.

A/n, it has been a long time since I last update. I steal some of my study time to update this story today. Will update again whenever I'm free😊

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