Lollipop Boys. 0: prologue

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# Lollipop Boys #

0: prologue / caption / whatever

Yeah, right. 20-year-old guys feeling and acting like caring and sensitive grownups - that only happens in teen romance novels. Not in real life.

In real life, men of all ages act like 5-year-old kids desperate for a lollipop. Especially if they see a beautiful woman, and especially if this beautiful woman happens to be in the same room and it's well over midnight. Who the hell decided that beds were made for dreams anyway?

So I was stuck into that 4 square meters of tiny space with two beds and a guy who had obviously decided that I was gonna be his next lollipop.

And you know what they do with the stick after the candy is eaten?

Yes, exactly.

They throw it away... And look for a new one.

I wasn't going to let that happen. So I just had to stick to my principles and tame these 2 meters of pure fire, so that we could eventually sleep in the same room...

Sleep, not burn.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx first try. it's a hectic story ... i'm editing the 1st chapter right now and hopefully it'll be ready soon. so far, let me know what thoughts these few lines give you... and vote-fan-follow if you want to find out what the buzz is about. ;)

btw i'm totally frightened right now. the moment is just so epic! like diving into empty unknown space.


edit 08/2013: after a long sleepy pause, i received a wonderful cover picture for this story from starfire_m528. thank you so much! xx

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