one| spooky's mujer

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"Monse if you were a girl-"

"I am a girl" Monse added over the music.

"Yeah but if you were a girl like your sister, would you wear underwear?"

Freeridge, a town filled with gang members, drugs, sex, alcohol and a group of teenagers who like to spend their spare time watching highschoolers party.

"Could you stop eye-raping my sister already?" Monse exclaimed pushing Ruby off the steps they were using to look into the party.

"I can't help it, look at her. She's a goddess and I'm her loyal servant" he replied, desperately climbing back onto the steps.

 She's a goddess and I'm her loyal servant" he replied, desperately climbing back onto the steps

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"yeah and she's also spooky's girl" Jamal interrupted looking over at the party.

Ruby frowned at that. "Spooky left her when he went to jail, which means she's free for the taking, plus they had a huge fight" he countered cockily reasoning with himself.

"Like she'd ever go for you" Monse half-scoffed looking at her sister over the railing.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" Ruby loudly questioned looking over at Monse.

The curly haired girl looked down at her friend in amusement.

"It means-"

"It doesn't matter what it means, you see those cholos over there-" Jamal whisper yelled, pointing over towards the side corner of the party. Three guys with white shirts, short pants and knee socks were all leaning against the wall.

"what about 'em ?" Monse asked confused along with Ruby who shurgged at their presence. She knew Bambi was affiliated with the Santos, but that was it.

Jamal looked over at them with an "are you really that stupid" look. "They've been watching Bambi for the past 15 minutes like statues." He explained incredulously.

"So what?" Ruby replied leaning his weight onto the railing to take a closer look to the dancing figure of Bambi.

Jamal scoffed. "SO, that means they're watching nobody gets with her, she's been claimed."

"Whatever Jamal, Spooky isn't here" Ruby half-whispered to himself.

Jamal and Monse shook their heads at their naive horny friend.

"Where's Cesar?"


'Work, work, work, work, work, work'

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