Laurel finds out the truth

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Laurel pov

I slept at the hospital last night. Nothing can ever happen to oliver. He is my world. I would do anything for my oliver.

Roy is coming over here.  I can tell something is serious wrong. "What's wrong"?  "Laurel I'm so sorry I just found out it was tommy that ordered the hit on oliver and here is the proof". I can't believe this.

Oliver pov

"Oliver I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. If I never met tommy this wouldn't have happened." "Hey don't blame yourself. I'm fine with you by my side."

Tommy pov

I see laurel and I can tell she is very angry. "How could you hurt oliver" "because he has a bad guy that has to be stopped" "you have no idea what kind of guy oliver is. He is ten times the man you will ever be".

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