Laurel meets tommy

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Oliver POV

I love laurel so much. One day I just want to tell laurel how I feel but I don't want to lose our friendship. I'm dating felicity smoak. I have to break up with her its not fair to date felicity when I'm always thinking about laurel.

I knock at felicitys door she answers. "Hey I think we need to break up".  Its better to rip the band aid off and get it over with. "Why I thought we were happy" "I'm sorry but I'm hoping we can still be friends" "I'll try but I will need some time".

Laurel POV

Oliver is my best friend and I don't know what I would do without him. He is my everything. The one person I know I can always count on.

Im working and I see this really hot guy coming over and says "I need a good lawyer and I was told you are the best"

Lauriver (Oliver and laurel) I'll keep you safeWhere stories live. Discover now