You Can Go Home Now

Start from the beginning

      "I shall explain later," he mouthed back, and she nodded and continued on to the table.

      As everyone began helping themselves to toast, bowls of piping-hot oatmeal, and fruit, the front door opened, and Blasko guided Ashley into the living room, followed by Jon and Faith. Joe and Alex rose from their seats and began preparing plates of food as Ashley slowly lowered himself onto the couch, and Faith sat down next to him. They brought the food into the living room, and Joe inquired, "So how are you guys feeling today?"

      "Like I'm gonna be bored off of my ass until I can actually move correctly again," Ashley stated. "You know I hate sitting around not doing anything."

      "So write something," Joe retorted. "Or work on some stuff for your line. Get some mileage out of it, so to speak. How about you, Faith?"

      "Better than I did yesterday, but just for future reference, let me tell you something. This whole thing about getting bitch-slapped by a demon? Definitely not recommended."

      "Tell me something I didn't know, why don'tcha?" Alex replied, as she placed the plate she held on the end table, handing them each a spoon. "Cursed Internet videos aren't a whole lot of fun either, in case you were curious."

      This earned her puzzled looks from both Ashley and Joe, but they apparently thought it best not to ask for an explanation, because Joe returned to the kitchen, and Ashley began nibbling on his toast, whispering to Faith between bites.

      After everyone had eaten, Hawley and Jenny updated Faith and Ashley on the problem with the old mirror, and outlined the plan for the return trip to the Horton place. As they were obviously in no condition to participate, they would remain at the house, and Jon and Blasko elected to stay with them, in case of any problems. Also, as Jon told them, "I've had enough demons and stuff to last the rest of my life, so I'm okay with skipping this one."

      Shortly thereafter, they observed Chief Potter's car pulling into the driveway, and Crane moved to open the door before she could even knock. "Good morning, everyone," she said. "Mr. Purdy, Ms. Scanlon, you're definitely looking better today."

      "Good morning, Chief Potter," Crane responded. "I am pleased to see that you are here. I presume this means that you are still prepared to participate this afternoon?"

      "Try and stop me," she said. "I fully intend to see that Eli Horton gets out of that damned mirror, he deserves better than that."

      "Very well, then. Why don't we have a seat and discuss what will be taking place when we uncover the gateway mirror?"

      She took a spot on the opposite end of the couch from Faith and Ashley, and everyone else gathered around as Crane and Jenny explained everyone's roles in the ritual.

      When they had finished speaking, Jake Pitts said, "So, just to be sure we've got this straight, Alex and Hawley are gonna be stripping the mirror, so to speak, while the rest of you do your magical... whatever it is, and we cover you with the rest of those enchanted bullets, in case something gets loose. Does that about cover it?"

      "Yeah, pretty much, dude," Jake Wells replied.

      "Then where does the chief come in?"

      Jenny leaned forward and explained, "He knows her, so she'll have to be the one to convince him to move on, because he doesn't know us, and he might be afraid that we're allied with the demon, and trying to trick him."

      When they were sure that everyone understood their part, they gathered the book, and a few other items, and walked out to the driveway, where they divided themselves between Potter's car and Jenny's SUV, and drove away. When they reached the Horton house, they exited the vehicles and picked their way up the stairs to the porch, where Crane paused, with one hand on the doorknob. "I would like to caution you all one last time," he stated. "No matter what you may see, or hear, from the mirror, pay it no mind. The creatures who travel such pathways will use any means at their disposal to free themselves to wreak havoc on the world. We will concern ourselves solely with Reverend Horton, unless something attempts to exit, or prevent him from doing so."

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