This Place Is Evil

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      "So , what I'm hoping is that we can tune this to a frequency that'll either knock the big floating thing out of the air , or at least disorient it ." , Alex explained , as Joe examined the device , which sat on the kitchen table . "But we still need to be as careful as possible , and not set up any vibrations that could make the house any weaker than it already is . We don't want it coming down on our heads ."

      "We also don't know if there are any other risks in the area , like sinkholes or faults , that might be affected ." , Joe pointed out .

      Blasko and Yanni entered the kitchen , loaded down with firearms and boxes of ammo , which they proceeded to unload on the other end of the table . After Crane's edict for everyone to arm themselves , Blasko had called Allan , to ask if he kept a weapon in the house , and Allan had informed him that there was an entire gun safe in his room , which no one had entered . When he heard what had happened , he immediately provided the combination to the safe , and told them to use whatever they needed .

      "Okay , I think this covers everybody , with a few to spare ." , Yanni stated . "I've got my own gun , and so do Faith , Jenny , Diana , Hawley , Crane , and Jake . Now the rest of you can have one , and there's plenty of ammo to go around ."

      "As soon as we finish doctoring it up , you mean ." , Faith replied from the spot by the kitchen island , where she , Hawley , and Diana were busily coating the bullets with the consecrated oil , and loading them into the weapons . 

      Crane stepped into the room , and announced , "Miss Jenny and I have organized the items we require for the banishment ritual , and we are ready to depart as soon as you have finished preparing the weapons . Does everyone remember their designated role ?"

      Looking up from the weapon she was loading , Faith replied , "Yeah , Nicky and I are covering Alex and Joe while they use that whatzit of hers to try to take the floater out of the picture . You and Jenny are doing your thing to get rid of the other one , and you've got Jake and Jinxx with you , and everybody else is covering all the possible exits so they can't slip out . Did I leave anything out ?"

      "No , I think that covers it ." , Jenny chimed in , as she moved to the counter to help ready the weapons . "Just remember ; nobody goes off on their own , and try not to let it get in your head . If you see something that makes you uneasy , remind yourself that this thing is an illusionist ."

      "Fucker probably makes Criss Angel look like a kid with a toy magic kit ." , Andy mumbled , as he inspected the pistol that Diana had handed to him . He then looked up at Jenny , as Crane wandered back into the other room , and inquired , "About what Hawley said awhile ago , outside , when Faith went off on him and Crane . He was kidding , right ?"

      "The Purgatory thing ? Nope , not even a little bit . He and my sister went there to get his wife , and it ended up with Abbie trapped there for a while , Crane buried alive , again , and his wife held prisoner by the Horseman of Death ."

      Jinxx looked at her curiously . "What do you mean , again ?"

      "Crane !" , she shouted . "Do you want me to tell them , or do you want to do it ?"

      "By all means , Miss Jenny , you may do the honors ." , came the reply .

      "You mean there's something better than a 'Horseman of Death' ?", CC inquired , earning snorts from both Alex and Hawley .

      "Honey , you ain't heard nothin' yet ." , Diana informed him , as she handed him a freshly - loaded weapon .

      As they continued to ready themselves , Jenny explained Crane's actual origins , as well as his role as a Witness . By the time she finished , the guys all wore expressions of bewilderment , and Jake looked at her skeptically . "So you're telling us this guy is over 250 years old ? And you all actually believe that ?"

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