Racing The Storm

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  The plane touched down on the tarmac and rolled to a stop , jarring both Blasko and Allan from the doze that they had both settled into . They unfastened their seat belts and rose from their seats , making their way to the exit . As they walked down the steps , Allan pulled out his phone and sent a text , receiving a response within seconds .

"I've just been informed of the location of the vehicle I ordered ." , he informed Blasko . "We will have to pass through the terminal proper to reach it , but this shouldn't be a problem , since we have no baggage to claim , or anything of that sort ."

"Great ! The sooner we can get there , the better !" , Blasko responded . "It's colder than fuck out here , and those clouds look pretty nasty . Besides , it's already after midnight ."

They entered the terminal , and started walking through to reach the area where Allan's vehicle was parked . As they passed the rental - car area , they heard the man standing at the desk say to the attendant , in a frustrated tone , "What the hell do you mean , you can't release any cars ? If you don't have one , just say so , but if you have them , I should be able to get one . I assume that's still how this works !"

"I'm sorry , sir , but a blizzard warning has been issued for the general area , and company policy doesn't permit me to let any vehicles leave the lot under these circumstances ." , the clerk patiently explained .

The two men turned and prepared to resume their trek to the parking lot , but hadn't gone more than three steps when they heard the other man say , "Look , Miss , you don't understand . This is very important . I have friends in Tuttlesburg who may be in danger , and I need to get there as soon as possible . I'll pay double , if that'll help , I just need a car !"

   Blasko and Allan glanced at each other , and then Allan turned and approached the man . "Excuse me , young man , but my friend and I couldn't help but overhear ." , he said . "As it happens , we are traveling to Tuttlesburg ourselves , and you are welcome to accompany us , if you wish ."

   The man turned to look at Allan , raking his fingers through his beard , and said , "Apparently , they're not letting any cars leave tonight , even if you've already booked ."

   "No worries there , I have my own vehicle waiting in the parking lot ."

   "Well , when you put it that way , I accept . Thanks , dude , I really appreciate it ." , the stranger replied , picking up the large rucksack that sat on the floor by his feet and balancing it on his shoulder as he fell in behind the other two .

     The three men made their way outside , and managed fairly quickly to locate the green Jeep that Allan's office manager had told him to look for . They tossed their bags into the rear of the Jeep , and Allan climbed into the drivers seat , with Blasko in the passenger seat , and their passenger in the rear .

   As they left the airport and made their way to the interstate , the back seat passenger lowered the hood of his coat , revealing a head of shaggy , dark - blond hair , which he attempted to straighten out by combing it with his fingers .

   "How long until we get there ?" , he inquired .

   Blasko turned to look at Allan , who replied , "If the weather holds , we should be there in about an hour and a half , gentlemen ."

   The passenger chuckled at this , and said , "I can't even remember the last time somebody referred to me as a 'gentleman' . Hell , most of my friends would laugh at that one ."

   "I can relate , man ." , Blasko said . "You rarely hear anybody referred to that way in my line of work , either ."

   The other man looked at him curiously for a moment , then said , "For some reason , you look sort of familiar to me . What business are you in , if you don't mind me asking ?"

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