Love is the Garden of the... idiotic

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The royal family of Lontin is already very large. And it got larger with Willow Marie Jane Cartier. Many of the "established" households hadn't been happy with her addition. Even now, two years since she had been informed that she was, indeed, the daughter of Prince Roger, conversations at parties were still awkward.

"Two years," Willow said in awe, putting her foot on the ground to stabilize the motorcycle as it rumbled gently beneath her. "Two years since I found out that blood test was wrong."

She tapped her helmet, balanced between the handlebars.

"Two years since I learned the importance of helmets."

She paused. Then, "And, learned that even princesses get speeding tickets when they drive recklessly."

Henry laughed. Both his feet were on the ground as he straddled the bike, and he was leaning forward with his arms crossed over his helmet, and his chin by his elbow.

"Two years," he said, "Since you hit that poor waiter at the Clementine banquet in the nose and made him bleed everywhere."

"I send him a Christmas card every year," Willow said ruefully. "I still feel bad."

They both fell silent, looking out over the city from the quiet hill in their favorite park. It was a lovely view. The palace could even be seen in the very distance, bold and grand in its boxy silhouette. Willow liked how far away it looked. She could hear the birds chirping around her, the wind rustling the trees, and she felt safe and distanced from the stress of the palace walls. She could sit on the idling bike (the "royal steeds", as Henry liked to call them) and clear her mind.

One of the three bodyguards behind them shuffled, and the moment was over.

"Your Highnesses?" a deep voice said.

Henry exhaled, blowing into the crook of his arm. He had seemed peaceful before, but now the bags under his eyes became obvious again.

"Yes, Steve?" he said.

"We need to get back. You have a meeting for four."

For a moment Henry didn't move. Just stayed leaning into his arms, eyes wandering lazily over the city- his city. Then he sighed again, straightened, and picked up his helmet.

Willow looked over her shoulder. Two of the broad, terrifying-looking men in suits and dark glasses behind them were for Henry. Her own head of security, Dan, caught her eye and gave her a look that said, "Why can't you ride in a car like every other royal?" He looked unsteady on his own motorcycle. Willow knew for a fact that he absolutely hated riding them, but it would be silly to follow in a car. So, whenever the prince and princess of Lontin went out on their "royal steeds", three enormous men also got on motorcycles and rode behind them.

Willow smiled apologetically.

"Hey, Will?" she heard Henry say.

She turned her attention back to him, concerned at the exhaustion in his voice.

"Yeah?" she said.

"I have a question for you. You have to answer it as a sister, okay?"

"How else would I answer it?" she asked jokingly.

"Whenever I ask your advice, you usually end up in this gypsy-vibe where you get all solemn and spooky."

"I do not!"

"Yeah, you do."

"Whatever, I don't want to hear your question."

He looked at her, and his eyes were so sad, Willow's smile fell.

I Am Royal: The Search for a PrinceOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz