- "I don't know ... Harry, people like you and I shouldn't have this kind of relationship, you know, they make things worse, you already have enough people to protect, why that eagerness to add more people to the list" - he said relaxed.

I looked at Davina beside me and a fear filled my soul.

-"What do you mean?"

- "We thought we could get information from the girl, but we did not get anything that we really wanted, the problem is that I had already damaged the gas pipes when the boss came up with the great idea of ​​not killing her.

》The problem is that this is my job, I'm not a detective, I kill and I had to wait all this time and follow her and all this and ugh"

- "You are a damn psychopath"

- "Yes, medically checked but that is not your concern, the good thing is that the girl you know is a good girl, she works, she maintains her parents, she does not deserve it, and it is your fault, you Shouldn't have involved her in your life, do you see what you do? "

-"It's not my fault"

I felt the hand of davina that rested on my thigh and I turned to look at her.

- "It's not your fault" - she whisper worried. - "Do not listen to him my love"

- "Of course it's your fault ... she loved you, really, I know, I know, she cried for you, a lot, for a long time, poor girl, in fact look at it as a favor, I'll do you the favor of stop her suffering "- his last sentence he said it as if it were the most fun thing in the world.

- "Do not even think about putting a finger on her you fucking crazy bastard"

- "She was so sad, she cries all the time, and the poisoning by the gas is going to kill her anyway, there is no turning back, you saw her body is already a disaster, and you have not seen how she really suffers , diarrhea, vomiting, muscle spasms, that really hurts ... but don't worry, she is asleep, she will not know what killed her, I swear it will not hurt her "

I couldn't help but cry.

She told me, she told me there was someone there and I did not believe her. She was so scared and I promised her I would help her and I would not be able to do it, I would not fulfill my promise, I was too far away.

I drove like crazy, changing lanes every second but I was still far away.

- "Please do not hurt her" - I felt pathetic saying it but I couldn't live with the guilt if she died for me. - "I will pay you twice as much as you have been offered but don't do anything to her"

- "I can't" - he said nonchanteletly - "I have a reputation to maintain, what would be of me if I do not comply with my work"

- "Damn it, she is not to blame for anything leave her alone" - I exploded. I wanted to teleport to where she was and get her out of there.

- "I know she's innocent" - I heard the door of a car closing. He was running away. - "But, again, I just do my job" - I heard him sigh as he started his car. - "Let's do something styles, if you manage to get here before the medicine do its effect, I will not bother you again, but if not ... well, I'm so sorry"


- "What are you talking about? What medicine?

He fucking hanged on me.

I hit the wheel a thousand times more while crying but I recovered quickly, I needed to get there.

- "She asked me for help davina" - I said between sobs. - "She told me that there was someone in her house and I didn't believe her, she told me and I ignored her, it's my fault I left her alone with that madman, it's my fault"

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