Chapter 6

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"Where the fuck am I?" Ethan whispered to himself. He had been walking for well over an hour and he was in a part of the city he didn't recognise. He had left his phone back at the apartment so he was lost and very much alone. The buildings looked older than the ones nearer his home and it seemed fairly sketchy.

A group of teenagers dressed in black hoodies were leaning up against walls covered in graffiti. He steered cleared of them because they looked like the exact type of people to be wielding weapons and ready to yell abuse. As much as he hated judging books by covers, he couldn't help the anxiety swirling in the pit of his chest as he passed them. He entered a friendly looking shop with a bright sign, lit up in multiple colours. It seemed friendly and trustworthy enough, despite a couple of the letters on the sign's lights having gone out.

He immediately walked up to the counter. An elderly man was sitting on a chair behind it, doing some sort of puzzle on a piece of paper. Ethan felt slightly bad for interrupting him but he was desperate. "Excuse me?" The man looked up and dropped his pen onto the counter. "Do you have a phone I could use?"

"What for?" He questioned, his voice raspy. He sounded suspicious which was pretty expected, considering how rundown the area had seemed to be. Ethan wouldn't really have been surprised if the crime rates were high and people were constantly suspicious of teenagers. (Sadly Ethan had been arguably blessed with a body that looked like he was a teenager, despite him being 21.)

"I'm lost and need to call a friend for help."

"I can give directions?"

"Okay, thank you so much."


Ethan eventually did make it home. He shut the door as quietly as possible behind him, slipping off his shoes and leaving them by the door. He headed up to his room, trying to step as lightly as possible so he didn't make any noise. Much to his luck though, Mark noticed him as he reached the last step.

"Ethan, I don't think you're crazy. I think you can't carry on having nightmares anymore." He mumbled before pulling Ethan into a long, protective hug.

"I know..." Ethan murmured, so quiet that Mark had to strain to make it out. His voice cracked and then he just burst into tears. He buried his head into Mark's shoulder, his tears dampening his shirt.

"Please get help."

"I can't. I don't want to get locked up."

"You won't."

"Please, I'll sort it out."

"If you don't. I'm getting you help."

He only wants you to get help so you stop burdening him. He probably finds you whiny and annoying. He wants you gone. Maybe you should just leave. He hated that Dark could get him when he was awake too. It was making everything so much worse.

"I'm fine, Mark. Please don't worry about me."

Wish me luck I'm going to try and not use internet all weekend (except for Snapchat streaks because you know necessities) I'm going to die

Wake Up. Markiplier/CrankGameplays AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora