one; sister dearest

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MARGO DEARING HAD been having a very bad day. Her boss had been down her neck for calling her nephews instead of doing her assignment. She used be in the navy, but then she got recruited by the FBI to be a field agent. After becoming the highest ranked agent she could be, she got promoted and was now stuck behind a desk, being somebody else's boss.

Her nephew Gray, the youngest of her sister Karen's two children, was over the moon when she called, ranting about how she was so awesome and that Claire, Margo's twin sister, had invited them to see Jurassic World.

The FBI agent didn't know how she felt about her nephews going to the famous dinosaur park, she hadn't liked it when Claire had got a job there either. Claire was her little sister by fifteen minutes and she loved her with all her heart, but the woman was too stubborn for her own good. Margo had to give up trying to persuade her to quit her job, Claire also came up with the argument that being an FBI agent was much more dangerous then running a dinosaur park.

The next day, Margo hadn't even been able to appreciate her day off because her phone was ringing constantly. Most of the time, it was her co-workers giving her information on her assignment. But then there was one from Claire which was extremely rare. Claire was always busy so she never had the time to call her sister.

Margo picked up her phone almost immediately, falling down onto her leather couch with a thud. "Claire! What a surprise to be hearing from you."

"I know, I've been really busy with the park. I haven't had the time to keep in touch." Claire replied, using the same excuse that she always did when she called.

"What do you need from me this time, Claire? More money for your fancy blouses?" The agent sassed, moving to lie down, her short red hair fanning out around her head.

"No, not this time and you know that I always pay you back!" Claire said, her voice raising slightly. She cleared her throat before continuing, "But, I do actually have a favour to ask you, Mar."

"Uh-oh, you're using my nickname to try and butter me up. It's not going to work, Claire." Margo commented, narrowing her eyes even though her twin couldn't see her.

"I need you to come to the park in secret to check the security systems, without Mr. Masrani knowing of course." Claire began to plead, " Please, Mar, you're the only one I know with the experience in this kinda thing without me having to pay tons of money to some asshole who tries to flirt with me."

"I don't know, Claire. I'm in the middle of an assignment at work." The beautiful redhead excused, not really wanting to go across the sea to an island that housed thousands of dinosaurs.

"Take a week off. Personal reasons. You used to do it all the time when we were in school." Her sister suggested.

"Claire that was years ago-"

Claire was quick to intervene before Margo could finish her sentence, "Owen Grady is here, your friend from the navy. We hired him a couple months ago to train the Raptors."

"Owen?" Margo sat up, suddenly interested. she hadn't seen him since she had left the Navy for the FBI and that was several years ago. They tried to stay in touch, but Margo was busy climbing up her career ladder.

"Yeah, I went on a date with him. Worst mistake of my life. Who wears shorts on a date?"

"Typical Owen." Margo laughed, moving out of her living room and to her room where she pulled out a large suitcase from the wardrobe. She'd already made her mind up about going as soon as she had heard Owen's name mentioned.

"So, will you come or not?" Claire asked after the laughter had died down.

Margo was throwing her clothes and a few guns into her suitcase as she replied, "I'll be there by tomorrow night. I just have to call my boss and get the week off before I leave."

"Oh thank you, Margo. You're a life saver." Her sister let out a sigh of relief.

"I know, but you owe me." Margo told her, zipping the case up and shifting it to the end of her bed. She hung up the phone and immediately dialled her boss' number.

◘ ◘ ◘

THE PHONE CALL was a success. Margo had managed to convince her boss to let her have a week off, claiming that the assignment was stressing her out and causing her to make a ton of mistakes. He told her to take it easy and relax a little while doing some work at home.

As soon as it was over, she went on her laptop and bought an online ticket to Isla Nublar where Jurassic World was located. Her flight was at night, so she made a checklist to make sure she had everything she needed in her suitcase and then she was off to the airport.

When she had her stuff searched, they had found the guns, but she had easily got through after flashing her FBI badge. The plane ride was boring, the guy next to her kept attempting to get her number, but she just put in some headphones and blocked him out with music whilst reading a book in her lap to avoid eye contact.

She would have preferred it much more if she could've just took a plane all the way, but unfortunately she had to go straight from the airport to a boat that went to the island. The man from the plane had annoyingly been on that boat too and he wouldn't leave her alone, so she showed him her badge and threatened to arrest him for harassment. That had shut him up and sent him packing.

As the flood of people got off the boat onto the island, Margo looked around for her sister. She knew it was a long shot, but Margo was meant to be there in secret. No one could know why she was there, so she expected for Claire to welcome her herself or something. She had no such luck.

Instead a woman with jet black hair stood there with Margo's name planted in big letters on a piece of paper. Her attire was professional, meaning that she most likely worked for her sister who was a big fan of fancy clothing in the hot weather.

"Margo Dearing? My name's Zara, I'm Claire's assistant." The British woman asked as the redhead approached, her walk intimidating.

"Where's my sister?" Margo demanded, folding her arms in annoyance.

"She's busy, but she sent me to give you the key for your hotel room and this pass to go anywhere on the island, including restricted access." Zara replied, handing over a badge and a plastic key card. "She'll come to your room tomorrow morning to inform you on what you're suppose to be going. Until then, she said that you can scope out the area."

Margo rolled her eyes, "Of course she did. Goodbye, Zara. It was a pleasure to meet you." She said, slightly sarcastic as she shook the woman's hand and walked off in the direction of the hotel to drop off her things.

" She said, slightly sarcastic as she shook the woman's hand and walked off in the direction of the hotel to drop off her things

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