Chapter Five

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Shit, shit, shit!  Chandler thought. He heard his father and sister's footsteps coming towards the living room. Thinking quickly, and silently apologizing to Ashton, he tucked him underneath his shirt, pressing him gently against his bare abdomen to keep him from struggling and revealing himself.

Ashton started to squirm as his friend tucked him under his shirt. At first, he had no idea what was going on, but he froze on the spot when he heard the sound of Chandler's dad calling out again. He pressed himself closer to the giant bare stomach, trying to convince himself he wasn't afraid. But, he was. Being around Chandler was scary at first and still was a little bit, but to be discovered by an adult...Ashton could be shipped off to the government for relentless experiments and other sorts of tests. He would never see his family or friends again.

"Hey, Dad..." Chandler shouted back, hesitating slightly, "I-I'm in here!"

Chandler's dad came around a corner, followed by a younger girl with long blonde hair down past her shoulders, his sister, Kinsley.

"Sorry we were so late, Kinsley wanted to stop at McDonald's to get a victory box of chicken nuggets," his dad explained, Kinsley nodding in agreement at his statement, "Sorry we didn't come home for dinner." He finished.

"Nah, that's okay. I just ate something here, and watched some TV, nothing...that interesting." Chandler replied. He could feel Ashton trembling against him. He wanted to move his hand so he didn't feel like he was crushing the poor tiny boy, but at the same time, he needed his hand there so his family wouldn't notice the small, protruding, very obvious bulge in his shirt that wouldn't normally be there. He internally facepalmed, his jeans pocket would've been a much better hiding place.

"Chandler? You alright? You've been holding your stomach this whole time." His dad observed, making Chandler stiffen.

"Oh! I think it's just that I need to...go to the bathroom. Be right back!" He said quickly, turning on his heel and practically sprinting up the stairs.

Chandler waited to take Ashton out of hiding until he'd shut and locked the bathroom door. He held him in one palm, while he checked him over for any bruises.

"Ch-Chand-Chandler! Stop it! I-I'm fine!" Ashton cried, struggling to fight off the "attacking" fingers.

"Are you sure?" He asked worriedly, giving Ashton's tiny body a few more checks. He had to use his thumb and index finger to pin Ashton's arms at his sides to properly look him over.

"At least ask me out before you go for the perv-stare..." Ashton smirked. Chandler rolled his eyes and tapped the small boy's head lightly in a joking manner.

"Alright, jokester, keep it up and you'll be sleeping outside tonight..." He retorted, using all of his willpower to hold his straight face and keep from laughing at Ash's reaction.

"What?! Bu-But it'll be c-cold and what if an animal comes by and eats me or-!"

"Relax, short stuff, I was just teasin'. Like I'd let any wild animal lay a claw on you." Chandler reassured.

"Right...Yeah, I-I knew you were joking. I just...faked it, because...I wanted to." Ashton stammered.

"Mmm hmm...C'mon, let's get ready for bed. You've had a long day and you need your rest." Chandler said in a mothering tone.

"Ugh...yes, mom..."

"Don't you back-sass me or you're grounded!"

     "Shut up you giant weirdo."


Ashton sat cross legged on Chandler's nightstand, looking out the window into the pitch blackness of the night. He took a few peeks at the shirtless giant sitting casually in his bed, propped up with pillows, scrolling through his phone. Every time Chandler's head made the slightest move, he jerked his gaze back towards the void that was the outside world at night.

This quiet time got Ashton thinking. Ever since the two boys had kissed that afternoon, there was always a strange feeling around them, as if there was something that needed to be spoken, but neither knew exactly what. He could see it in Chandler's eyes that he hadn't forgotten about it. Maybe he was trying to?

     "Ash? You okay? You've been staring off into space for a few minutes now." Chandler's voice made him flinch, startled by the sudden interaction. He looked over to see Chandler had actually gotten up and was looming over him in an unintentionally intimidating way.

     "Yeah...I'm fine. Just tired, I guess..." Ashton replied in a barely audible mumble.

     "Well then you'd better get to bed. I texted Eli while you were in your own little world, and he's coming over tomorrow." The giant boy responded.

     "Cool..." Ashton mumbled back, sounding uninterested, but was just still thinking.

     "Seriously, is something wrong? You seem...upset. You can talk to me, I am taking care of you for the weekend, after all." Chandler asked again.

     "I said I'm fine, okay?!" Ashton shouted up at his friend. Right after, he averted his gaze to the wood table below him, realizing he'd snapped at a teen who was a giant compared to him, "C-Can we just...get some sleep?" He added, quieter this time.

     "Sure." Chandler replied simply and quickly, reaching towards his tiny friend, who shied back as his hand approached.

     "Easy, easy, Ash. Still not gonna hurt ya." He coaxed in a calm voice, scooping him up slowly  as he pet his head gently. He carried the obviously sleepy tiny over to his pillow, laying him out across it. Ashton curled up into a ball to keep warm. Chandler crawled under the covers, facing his friend, while Ashton faced away.

     "Chandler?" Came a small voice.


     "What if...what if I'm like this f-forever? Will you still...take care of me? I-I don't want to live as some tiny person forever...I-I don't know if I can." Chandler could hear the tremble in his friend's voice. So that's what it was. Chandler thought, Ashton snapped because he's just scared about what might happen. Who wouldn't be?

     "I'll always be here for you, and I'm sure there's a way to reverse...whatever caused this." He reassured, reaching over and stroking the tiny's back. He wanted to say more, but stopped himself. Ashton needed sleep, and he shouldn't keep him awake by talking. He rolled over and turned off the lamp, sending the room into a near pitch darkness.

Ashton snuggled into the pillow, waiting for sleep to take him. He stared at the wall in front of him. He sighed quietly, closing his eyes for a dreamless sleep. He heard the steady breathing of the giant teen next to him. Huffing out a breath of air, he stood up on the plushy surface, and walked over to Chandler, until he'd reached his face.

Ashton climbed down the pillow and decided to curl up by his friend's bare chest. His skin was a little warm, which made him even more drowsy. His eyes began to feel heavy as he looked up at the ceiling.

"I...I don't want to forget..." He whispered to nobody, before closing his eyes and letting sleep overcome him.

C u t i e s omggggg

G/T Question of the Day:

If the person you trusted the most suddenly grew to massive size, would you still trust them that they wouldn't hurt you? Or, if the same person shrank instead, do you think that they'd think you'd hurt them?

Next chapter coming soooooooon! Peace out my dudes!✌🏻🍪

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