Picture Secrets - Brandon Arreaga

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I got up in the morning and once again I was alone. I'm getting used to it. Latelly I lay down at night next to the man I love and wake up completely alone in the morning. He always gets home tired after being in the studio, giving interviews or doing other things, but he never complains. One of the things he loves the most in the world is music, his fans and the other boys. So whenever he comes home I do my best to make him feel even more the most loved boy in the world. It's been almost 3 years and I can't imagine myself with someone who is not him. We never had secrets, he always told me what was wrong and I always told him everything. But lately.... He leaves early in the morning for the past 3 months. When he comes home he doesn't even say something about it. Everytime I ask why did he left so early Brandon tells me it's work, gives me a kiss in the forehead, everytime I get mad or sad I leave to my room, or his depending of the house and he would come to me, hug me by the waist and kiss me, saying only.

"Everything is fine, don't worry... I just had to go to work early."

But I know he didn't. I know it's not "just work" when I see him talking to the phone hidden, or seeing people in my back, when the boys do their best to take him out of the house without telling why. I don't think he's cheating on me, no way. I just know that there are secrets that weren't there for the past years. We have this thing that every single day, even if his on tour, we take a picture of us together and we keep it in a locked box with a hole in the top to put the polaroid pictures inside of it. We started do it so that if one day things started going wrong we could open it and see all those pictures to remind us of how much we love each other and all the time we spent together. Everyday that passes, every morning that I wake up alone I feel more like opening it, but I'm afraid of doing it since I might turn out in a shattered glass about to break, so I don't even get close to it.

The hours pass, I get home from school, yes I'm studying in a dance academy here in L.A, almost finishing that actually, I only have 2 months left.
I throw my things to bed and smash my pillow, I'm tired, I hurted my knee today in class and the nurse said I'm not supposed to dance for the all week. Right now I just want my bed, some ice cream and Brandon.

"YO BRANDON!" - I call even knowing that he's not here, he's probably finishing rehearsals. As I say this my phone receives a message, I look at it and see "Bumble b 🐝💛" on the screen.
"Wow... great timing..." - I laugh to myself and open the message.

"On my way. Edwin told me what happened... love you honey💛!" - .B

But how... I think,
shocked. Why does Edwin knows and Brandon didn't? Well because my bestfriends are dating, Edwin and Mckayla, so cliché I know. I didn't told Brandon to not worry him while he's busy, I would tell him when I see him but Mckayla was with me when I got hurt and probably she told Eggwin and he told Brandon. About half an hour later I hear the front door open and I know it's Brandon because he has a key to my house.

"MY ROOM!" - I scream so that he can hear it. I hear the steps coming closer and Brandon enters the room with a bucket of blueberry ice cream in one hand and two spoons in the other.

"You know me so damn well!" - I laughed and sit on the bed reaching my arms to him. He came closer and I pulled him down to me as I grabbed the ice cream and one spoon starting to eat it imediately.

"Tought you might need your favorite ice cream to wash the pain." - he smiled shyly

"I just needed my bee actually but I could never refuse ice cream!" - I confessed with the spoon in my mouth.

"Guess you got double luck then" - he laughed and put on arm around me while snuggling next to me and taking a bit of the ice cream. - "How's your knee?" - he asked looking me in the eyes and caressing my cheek making me close my eyes to his touch

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2018 ⏰

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