Epilogue 3:Rumours are just rumours

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Princess Hannie of Clarines was known throughout the kingdom and its neighboring land to be the most beautiful young lady in the world at the age of sixteen. Rumor had it that Hannie's beautiful pink hair was long and silky, her porcelain skin was soft and white, and her big blue eyes shined like the bright blue sky. People spoke of her voice being of an angel and that Hannie was as sensitive and delicate as a rose. Those who had the chance to see the princess in person would immediately fall in love with her at first sight.

"But of course rumors are just rumors." Spoke first Aide Vivianne as she eyed the few young adults standing before her in a horizontal line. "Your first priority is to protect the princess. All of you were aware of that when you joined the knight academy. As your teacher and commander I congratulate you all in graduating and passing the final exams. You will all be given a position in Clarine's army, but only one will be chosen as Princess Hannie's first aide."

Vivi saw their faces tighten in anticipation to hear the results. She was proud of all her students, but the few that stood before her had proven their determination and skills. It was important that they knew that this job was as important as their lives, because Prince Zen was not going to be forgiving if anything happened to his precious daughter, and not to mention what her protective older brother Rin would do as well. Aside from that Vivi just hoped that the first aide would be able to handle the princess, because rumors were after all just rumors.

"Please step forward Ark." Vivi spoke as she saw the eighteen years old young men with short brown hair and turquoise eyes, much like his father Ryuu in appearance, look a bit perplexed but did what he was told as he move forward. "Congratulations you have earned the position of First Aide."

Ark stood still as Vivi placed his badge on his chest. He bowed his head when she was done and then looked up at his commander once again, "Thank you. I won't let you down."

Vivi nodded her head and smiled, "Good job Ark, please don't underestimate the importance of your position."

Ark nodded his head but Vivi knew what he was thinking. She knew what her students talked about during break time. Like Ark, many of them were aiming to become Prince Rin's personal knight. Being Princess Hannie's first aide was their last choice and option. They viewed the position as being Hannie's personal babysitter and not a very challenging or exciting job. Vivi just hoped that Ark, being her top student, would grow to understand how this was really a very challenging position.

"You are all dismissed. Now please enjoy the small party celebration we have for you inside the castle." Vivi spoke as she saw them all bow down in respect and retrieve into the building.

"Look at the bright side." Spoke one of Ark's friends and classmate as he came to stand beside him. "You will be in the company of the most beautiful lady in the world."

Ark looked down at his badge and gave a sigh of frustration. He had not planned for this to happen when he worked so hard in being number one. "If that is the case I would gladly give you my job."

His friend lightly laughed, "Don't be so gloomy, how bad can it be? Besides being First Aide is an honorable title, you should at least be proud of that."

Ark nodded his head in agreement, "You are right."

"I just hope you don't have to play house and drink afternoon teas every day." His friend joked with a laugh.

Ark sighed and was dreading for tomorrow to come. The next morning the young man dressed up in his new knight uniform and was given instruction to meet with Princess Hannie in the west garden, where she would meet with him for the first time. He stood in the appointed location for a good fifteen minutes and wondered if he had remembered the instructions wrong. Ark then heard the sound of galloping and found Princess Hannie arriving on her white stallion. He watched as she gracefully dismounted the horse and came to greet him. Hannie wore her riding clothes and boots. Her pink long hair was pulled up in a ponytail, revealing her beautiful face and features. Rumors were right about her great beauty.

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