The Trap

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Queen Renalia looked outside the window as the rain poured that early afternoon. Her green eyes caught sight of a single Aki bird and his rider flying. It was raining that day as well, the day that Ayra left and never returned again. Her eyes closed as the memories began to resurface inside her mind. She had begged Ayra to stay while she packed her belongings into a single small bag. Renalia couldn't let her beloved younger sister go. The one person she loved and cared for the most and the only person that made her smile and laugh so brightly ever since the day their mother passed away. All Ayra left behind were sweet memories.

"I am going to live my life the way I want, and so should you dear sister. Please be happy for me." Ayra had spoken her last words with her usual bright smile.

Ayra had then pulled her hand free from Renalia's grip and hoped onto the Aki bird. Her emerald eyes looked back at Renalia with affection before she took flight towards the rainy dark sky. All she could do was cry and watch her disappear.

A knock came from the door and Renalia reopened her eyes, bringing her thoughts back to the present. She had regretted not doing something in the past, but today she would amend her mistakes.

"Come in." Renalia spoke as she watched one of her trusted counselor walk in.

"Everything is ready my queen." Spoke Counselor Kay with a bow.

Renalia nodded her head in understanding, "Very well, lets begin."

Obi and Vivi stood together closely under a covered area as they watched the rain fall. They had gone outside to the market area to buy some materials requested by Shirayuki, but as soon as they finished their errands the rain decided to pour down strongly. The couple found shelter before they got wet and prevented the papers and envelopes they had bought from being useless. They patiently waited to see if the rain would calm down before they could continue back to the mansion.

Obi took off his jacket and covered Vivi's shoulder. She looked up and blushed at his consideration as she felt the wind blowing.

"Aren't you cold Obi?" Vivi asked feeling a bit concerned as she saw that he was now only wearing a thin casual shirt.

He shrugged, "I am fine, don't worry about me."

Vivi took the jacket and placed half of it onto Obi's shoulder while stepping closer to him. Their arms touched each other and their faces were inches away. Vivi could feel his body heat and her cheeks flushed bright red. Obi looked at her in surprise, as Vivi began to feel conscious of her bold action.

"It's unfair that I am the only one." She stammered, trying to explain.

Obi chuckled at her expression before embracing the girl into his warm strong arms. Vivi's heart jumped out.

"Wouldn't this be better then?" Obi smirked back, liking how flustered Vivi looked.

"You are so cunning!" Vivi replied feeling embarrassed as she slapped his chest hard.

Obi only chuckled back. Her hands lingered on his chest and she could feel his heart beating fast. In disbelief, Vivi then quickly laid her head on his chest to make sure that his heart was really beating quickly because his expression barely showed his embarrassment. To her surprise his heart was still racing and it kept beating faster and faster. She looked up to see his face and her breath was caught. Vivi had never seen him look so vulnerable as his eyes stared at her with nothing but adoration.

"Now who is the cunning one?" Obi grinned back softly blushing.

Vivi fervently blushed as she immediately took her hands away but Obi embraced her tighter, almost squeezing her flat against him.

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