New Friends

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Mitsuhide Rouen and Kiki Seiran, both aides to Prince Zen, stood aside observing the interesting interaction upholding before them in the royal castle, more specifically at Zen's study room. Obi was standing beside Kiki who noticed with her keen navy blue eyes that Obi's amber eyes was solely on the new visitor, who seemed to be around the same age and had the same striking apple-red hair as Shirayuki. That was what surprised them all the most to know that there wasn't only one girl with red hair color , but two.

Zen and Shirayuki stood side by side in front of the visitor , who was now bowing them in respect and formality.

"Prince Zen of Clarines, it is an honor to meet your royal highness in person. I would have never imagined I would be able to have a private audience with your majesty in such short notice."

"This is after all a very rare occasion." Zen spoke, still a bit surprised to see the new visitor, especially when she walked into the study room with Obi and Shirayuki smiling like they were old friends.

The minute they had walked in, Obi unceremoniously blurted out a quick summary of what had happened at the marketplace and finally finished off by casual adding, "Oh by the way, Shirayuki is a princess of a small kingdom called Akigaya."

Zen had sat there gapingly staring at Obi smirking triumphantly back at him. He didn't know rather he should have felt annoyed at his friend's behavior or grateful for the information. Shirayuki chuckled. His eyes then glanced behind Obi towards Shirayuki and understood how apprehensive she must be. A thousand thoughts must have been forming inside her head at that moment and Obi was trying to lighten up the tension.

Zen smiled back at Obi and had called upon a private meeting, asking for Mitsuhide and Kiki's presence.

"My name is Viviyane Riyuki, from a small Kingdom of Akigaya. I am one of three personal knights to Princess Milya, daughter of Queen Renalia." Vivi introduced herself to the group of people.

Obi chuckled silently, 'No wonder she was able to climb buildings without any difficulties.' He thought amusedly.

They all then stood there silently taking in the new information and surprised to know that there were still a kingdom they haven't established communication. In the past few years Clarines had made huge progress in knowing neighboring kingdoms and establishing connection with both kingdoms and small tribes in this vast world. To be more exact, they had discovered four new kingdoms and tribes within the last year. Zen smiled knowing that there was still a long way to go in truly knowing the whole world. His heart was excited for the new adventures that awaited him, especially the new friends he would make.

"Stand up Viviyane." Zen spoke, breaking the silence, as he stepped forward and extended his hand. "It is a pleasure to meet you. We welcome you to Clarines."

Vivi was taken aback by his casual gesture and wondered if she should break norm. Her eyes quickly glanced at Mitsuhide, Kiki, and Obi, who all then nodded and smiled in encouragement. She then looked at Shirayuki and saw her eyes glow brightly. Vivi relaxed and took Zen's hand.

"Please call me Vivi, your majesty."

"Then I insist you address me as Zen."

Vivi was even more fazed by Zen's friendliness. His majesty was truly an intriguing person and she was starting to feel fascinated by the royals in Clarines.

"It is a high claim to assert something so important without showing us any evidence, but how are you so sure that Shirayuki is the true princess of your kingdom." In a more serious tone, Zen proceeded to ask the question that was in everyone's mind at that very moment, especially in Shirayuki's mind.

Princess Shirayuki of AkigayaWhere stories live. Discover now