PART 14 -Bathbomb 🔞

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PART 14 Bathbomb

PAGE: Malyshka Stories Collections
WATTPAD: @mylilttle1

Lepas ja makan semua tu makanan yang heaven2, Zach bawa sya pusing2 kawasan tu rumah.. Di belakang dia ada garden2 and tempat macam study place. So cool..

Kami duduk di bench menghadap 1 small pond.

"This is where my mom usually lepak2 with her friends while I'll be studying there. Semua bunga2 yang warna purple and the roses, semua dia tanam sendiri. She loves gardening."

"Too bad, I dont"

"Yeahh, too bad, I don't too.."

I've never been this happy to be with someone until him. He makes me wanting to be someone special and being protected..

Maybe this is just the beginning of our story, but i hope we could fill more and more amazing moments in it together.

Did you realize, if you're really sincerely to that particular person, even a simple jokes could turn it into a huge stomach craping laughter.. With him, it is.


"Yess they are. Especially the roses and this pink begonia flower. Your mother is amazing."

Obviously lawa2 semua tu bunga, but saya sebut nama tu bunga yang sya tau ja.

"Especially the Esmerelda flower.. it kinda looks opposite with the other flower, because in the morning, other flower will look very2 beautiful, but this one, hmmm."

"Silakaa hahaha. I know i looks ugly when i wake up but jangan laaa smpai kasi banding sama flower bah. Haha"

"I love you Esmerelda. I hope you do too."

Am i ready for a new relationship? With this guy? Am i sure?
I didn't exactly answer his sweeet and meaningful statment. Instead, I'll try to give him the best hint.
So saya senyum and hugg him. I'll try my best Zach.

I'm a super cautious person when it come to relationship, but I have the gut that this one is not really gonna be the worst. But it's like i just put myself into more and more trobles.


This house is soo frikking big. Tadi masuk dapur pun sudah saya amazed, apa lagi kalau the whole house. Zach kasi home tour lagi. Excited betul saya nampak rumah orang kaya. SAKAAAIII

Don't blame me, ini pertama kali bah saya masuk rumah begini besar, pertama kali saya nampak chandelier dia yang begitu sparkling bdantung di ceiling.

I'm sure Zach having so much fun watching me being amazed by all of this. Sebab dari kami home tour smpai laa sekarang kami di dalam bilik dia, tidak putus2 tu damn hot smiles dia. Buli rip off sudah tu mulut dia terlampau senyum.

"Saya pun tidur disini kaa? Is this even your room?"

"Of course laa. Jadi dimana lagi kau mau tidur?"

"Begini besar rumah takkan no other guest room or mana2 bilik kosong yang boleh sya guna?"

Ish tidak tau bersyukur betul kau oh Meldaaaa.. Sudah kena bagi bilik yang comfortable and fancy, banyak lagi songeh.. Sya bermonolog sendiri..

"Em, unless kau mau tidur sama hantu yang ada di rumah ni, banyakk juga bah bilik lain.. Wink"

Silakaa oh ni lelaki, sengaja lagi dia mau kasi takut syaa.. Terbayang saya oh kalau rumah2 besar selalu ni kan banyak penghuni yang tidak diundang. Inda payah laaa kau ego sangat mau tidur tempat lain Meldaaa. Tidur seja laaa sama new boyfriend kau. Oh the word boyfriend literally fascinate me.

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