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"shut up casey!" teagan yelled from the end of the driveway. "you're stupid!"

"teagan marjorie butera!" ariana snapped. "knock it off. go inside. now."

"but casey said you—"

"do i look like i give a shit what that little girl says about me?"

"no but i do and i'm gonna kick her in the throat next time."

"you're gonna get your ass in the house like i told you to or i'm gonna bust it," she said. as teagan ran into the house and slammed the door ariana sighed and looked at the little girl her daughter was yelling at and her mother. "i'm sorry. she's been in a bad mood lately."

"you should have made her apologize," the woman said.

"she wouldn't have meant it. doesn't mean anything to say it if you don't mean it," ariana shrugged.

"that little girl of yours has a mouth on her."

"so does yours, she told my dog to shut the hell up the other day."

"cause it was barking at me," casey said.

"because you were climbing my gate."

"he shouldn't bark at people."

"you shouldn't be climbing my gate. if it's closed then you wait for it to open, you don't hop it like a hoodlum."

"i can do my own parenting," the woman said.

"then do it."

"teagan needs structure."

"you need to mind your own business. and casey needs to leave her alone. i've told you several times i don't want teagan and casey playing together because she aggravates my kid on purpose. they aren't friends. they're mean to each other and i don't like it."

"they're kids."

"and they're gonna listen. casey, i mean it. stay off my gate and leave teagan alone. i've about had it with the both of you, karen. i don't allow teagan to just fight people willy nilly but if casey gets on one too many nerves teagan's gonna go after her and i don't want that to happen."

"teach her not to be a neanderthal."

"yeah and she wears pants all the time and never dresses she don't even act like a girl," casey said.

"i let her wear what she's comfortable in. and you're not acting like a girl when you're climbing my gate either, miss casey," ariana said with a raised brow. "i'm sorry teagan told you to shut up and i'm gonna talk to her about it but i don't want you playing together for a while. you need to be nicer to each other."

"she's just jealous of me cause i have a daddy and she doesn't."

"he's your third stepdad. that's not anything special, honey."

"don't talk to her like that," karen said.

"whatever. get out of my driveway please, i wanna close my gate."

"and if we don't?"

"i mean i can call the police if you want me to but that seems a little dramatic."

"you wouldn't anyways."

"i would and i'd laugh when they embarrass you and tell you to leave."

"don't talk to my mommy like that," casey said, throwing a small rock at ariana's car.

"listen you little shit," ariana snapped. "you're gonna get your ass home or i'll close that fucking gate on you, take your pick carmelita spats."

"how dare you," karen said.

"get off my property and take your demon child with you. i don't want any of your asshole kids near teagan again. i'll deal with them myself if they keep fucking with her. i won't punish her for kicking their teeth in either."

"someone's in a bad mood," casey said as she stepped on the other side of the gate and stuck her tongue out.


"you cussed at a little kid," mac said.

"yeah the little bitch threw a rock at my fucking car," she said, holing a paper towel to her bleeding nose. "then i pushed her bitch ass mother out of the gate and she hit me so i punched her back and she's calling the police."

"casey's bad news mommy," teagan said.

"yeah i know which is why i told you to not talk to her regardless if she talks to you or not."

ariana rolled her eyes as the doorbell rang and she stood up from the stool, walking out of the kitchen and into the living room to the front door before opening. "can i help you officer?"

"yeah uh... i'm officer thompson. i just got done talking with karen silzer. you two had an altercation of some kind? may i come in and ask some questions?"

"sure," she said as she stepped out of his way. "living rooms right there, pick a seat any seat," she said as she closed the door.

"can you tell me your version of what happened?"

"yeah. we were talking about our girls, and i asked her to leave and she wouldn't. her kid threw a rock at my car, i called her a little shit and karen didn't like it, i asked her to leave again, she said no, so i pushed her. like... i moved her. not an actual shove. then she punched me in the fucking nose so i hit the bitch back and told her to take herself and her shitty brat to their own home to terrorize their own family."

"now, miss silzer says she has video of the altercation but refuses to let us see it as evidence. do you have video of the incident?"

"i have security cameras so hell yeah i do. i'll show it to you myself."

"please don't take my mommy to jail..." teagan said quietly from the doorway.

officer thompson smiled at her. "your mommy isn't going to jail. i just had to talk to her because she was involved in a fight. she'll stay here with you."

"she doesn't hit me. she shouldn't go to jail."

"teagan, not everyone goes to jail for hitting, honey," ariana said before looking at the officer. "her dad beat us. he's in jail for it. she thinks people only go to jail for hitting their partners and kids."

"understandable. your mommy isn't gonna go anywhere. i promise. can i see that tape? possibly keep it for the station as evidence?"

"sure. can i get a restraining order on the silzer family to stay away from my kid? they're assholes to her. that little casey brat tied her to the tree outside a few weeks ago and left her there."

"i'll work something out."

"can you put casey in jail?" teagan asked. "i'd like to see that happen. i wanna tell her not to drop the soap."

"you don't even know what that means, shut up," ariana said.

"i know if casey's in jail she won't mess with me no more. can i get a 'yas queen'?"

"you can get a 'go to your room', how bout that?"

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