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"mommy, where's my backpack!" ariana's daughter called from downstairs.

"i don't know teagan, your backpack isn't my responsibility," she called back as she walked down the staircase. "where's the last place you had it?"


ariana sighed and walked into the kitchen, where her eight year old was sitting. "you're telling me you left your backpack at school for two weeks?"


"jesus christ," she muttered. "if it's not in this house, in my car or at school we're gonna have to get a new one. and this time you'll take care of it. and not lose it."

"i'll try."

"you'll do."

"she'll do what?" mac asked as he walked into the kitchen, planting a kiss on ariana's cheek before kissing teagan's head.

"she'll keep better track of a new backpack."

"how do you lose a backpack?"

teagan shrugged. "i dunno."

"by being careless," ariana said. "did you eat yet?"

"yeah, mac made pancakes."

"jackass, i can't eat those," she said as she poked mac in the ribs.

"i made you your tasteless ones, don't worry."

"what did you make them with?"

"he put milk in them," teagan said.

"how else are you supposed to make pancakes?" mac asked.

"with water."


"i'll grab something before my interview," ariana said. "i can hold out an hour, i won't starve to death. we need to get going teacup, come on," she said as she grabbed her keys.

"are you getting a new job?" teagan asked.

"no. the interview is at zach's."

"no fair! i wanna see uncle zach too!"

"i'll take you by the station after school then, now get your butt ready and in the car. what are we doing for dinner tonight?"

"chickenless chicken stir fry," mac said.

"better be dairyless too mister i put milk in everything."

"why were you throwing up this morning?" mac asked as ariana came out of their bathroom.

"because i had an upset stomach," ariana said in a 'duh' tone.


"i don't know. it just happened. i'm fine. i haven't thrown up all day or even felt nauseas."

"are you sure?"

"i would complain if i felt gross," she said as she changed out of her clothes and put on one of macs t shirts.

"no you wouldn't. you never complain."

"yes i do. i complained this afternoon when i had to pee but couldn't get into the bathroom," she said as she laid in bed.

"why not?"

"the fucking door was locked so i had to take the knob off and put it back on."

"my bad," he did as he kissed her neck.

"why do you lock the bathroom door? that's dumb," she said as her fingers played with his hair.

"it's habit."

"well break it."

"mhm," he said, kissing her neck again.

ariana smiled and let out a small breath. "you irritate me."

"you love it."

"shut up," she said, pulling his face up to hers and kissing his lips.

"i love you."

"i love you too."

"you just love my hands."

"and your fingers... and your mouth... and a little something else that hasn't gotten my attention in a few days..." she said as she unbuttoned his jeans.

"oh yeah?"


"well then by all means give it all the attention you want."

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