Chapter 8

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Normal POV

Sonic had woken up by having a funny feeling in stomach. He soon felt sick, he ran to the bathroom and vommited into the toilet.(I wonder how the toilet felt about that XD)

"Ugh. Why does my stomach feels wierd." He patted his and went back to bed. He cuddled with his lover and went back to sleep.

Shadow POV

I awoke and turned to Sonic who was fast asleep. I smiled at this. I wnt downstairs to make Sonic's favorite food, chilli dogs.

Once I was done with them. I went back upstairs to see Sonic sleeping on my side of the bed. I shook him gently trying to wake him up. "Come on Sonic. Wake up."
"Five more minutes." I smirked and had an idea. "Ok I guess I'll just have to eat all the chilli dogs I'm going to make by myself."

With that Sonic jerked up,"I'm up!" I chuckled at his adorableness. "Where are they!?"
"I don't know." He turned to me. "What do you mean by 'I don't know'?"
"Why don't you check in the kitchen." I said smirking. He ran out of the towards the kitchen. "YOUR THE BEST SHADIKKU!" I chuckled hearing the pet name he had given me. I went back downstairs again finding Sonic devouring all the chilli dogs.

"You were hungry weren't you?" I asked. He quickly nodded. I sighed and went to the living sitting on the couch. I turned on TV to a channel called Cartoon Network. I thought this was a good channel honestly I don't knkw how I even like it.

Sonic came back after a few minutes, but ran to the bathroom puking his guts out(I mean that he's puking alot). "Sonic! Are you alright!?" I asked concerned. "No, my sto-" He stopped by the puking again. "That's it I'm taking you to the hospital!" His eyes widened. "No Shadow please! You know I hate hostpitals." He emphasized the word 'hate' to let me know he really really 'hates' hostpitals.

"Nope I'm taking you whether you like it or not." He frowned looking down but nodded. "Let's go then." He said sadly. I Chaos Controlled to the hostpital. Sonikku grabbed my arm right away, I chuckled at this sudden action.

"May I help you?" A woman at the front desk asked. She had blonde fur and black glasses. "He kept throwing up in the morning and wouldn't stop." I pointed at Sonic. "Alright, here fill out this paper work." She gave me the paperwork. Once, I filled it out I gave it back to her. She told us to wait in the lobby and she put a trash can right next to Sonic just in case.

He gripped arm really hard. I bit my lip trying to not let a yelp out of my mouth. I stroked his quills recieving a purr from him. "Sonic, Shadow." A nurse called out. We stood up and followed her. "This way please." She told us. She led us to a check-up room. "Lay on here for me." She patted a spot for Sonic to lay down. He started to tremble and gripped my arm really hard now. "You see he doesn't like hostpitals." "Oh, well how about you take a seat right next to him." She said and pointed to a chair right next to the bed. I nodded and sat down. Finally, Sonic got on the bed, but the only problem was that he wouldn't let go of my hand/arm.

She hooked him up to a machine. "Now, where do you mostly feel like puking like your stomach, head, or..." "My stomach." He replied. "Hmm... Okay now let's see." She started a machine that you could see what's inside Sonic. I saw a little ball of quills and it was inside Sonic's stomach.

That could only mean one thing.... SONIC'S PREGNANT! 'Okay Shadow calm down its okay Sonic's not dead but pregnant!' I thought.

"Hmm... Well it looks like your pregnant."
"Wait what?!"
"Your pregnant. You're a herm meaning that you could get pregnant."

Sonic's eyes were wide with shock and excitement. "I can't believe it! Shadow we're going to be parents!"


Sorry for the long update its just that my teacher gave us an assignment to finish durring the weekend and sorry its a short chapter.

Also what do you think Sonic's baby is going to be? A boy r girl? Whoever gets the most votes on the baby being a boy or girl. Leave'em in the comments!

Also if its messy I'm sorry

Anyway see ya later!!😉✌

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