Something new

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Yeah guys, this one is gonna be another little space one-shot. The same warning goes for this one goes for all of the others; If little space makes you uncomfortable, just skip this chapter instead of making comments. For those who enjoy it, Happy reading, loves <3 - Joey 

    "Da da da", Jimin babbled as he was sat on his tummy on the bed with some soft toys and his blankie as yoongi got out some clothes for himself and the baby. "I know, baby love. Daddy's getting us some clothes ready, then we're gonna have some food, how does that sound?!", He cooed, momentarily walking over to the bed where Jimin was before places a sweet, wet kiss on his chubby cheeks. "Daddy's good, sweet boy playing with your toys so nicely." 

    He then made his way back over to the dresser to finish getting ready before strapping his baby in a fresh nappy and a onsie, kissing all over his face cutely as Jimin squealed in delight, making yoongi flash a big gummy smile. "My sweet baby boy, daddy loves you so, so much. Daddy's tiny baby", he cooed while picking up the twenty two year old easily, placing him on his hip, while popping the paci in the boy's mouth before making his was to the lounge.

    "Alright, baby boy, how about some play time after you have your bottle, hm?", He said, placing Jimin down and quickly whipping up some warm milk. After feeding jimin, He sat him up on his lap, making faces to make small giggles escape his mouth, making yoongi chuckle in return. Yoongi reached beside him on the couch for one of the baby's soft stuffies and shook it, making the rattle inside jingle, making baby Jimin squeal, making the older beam with pride and flash a gummy smile. After a few more minutes of the rattle toy, Yoongi decided his baby would like some peek-a-boo. To his dismay, Jimin took the older's hand and stuck it in his mouth, chewing on it lightly. He had never done this before, and Yoongi was curious, so he let the baby be for a few minutes. He watched as he drooled everywhere, but still content. It wasn't until Yoongi pulled his dribble soaked hand away from Jimin's mouth that he heard him whine, which is what he usually did before letting out a heartbreaking cry.

    Yoongi in an instant held him closer, rocking and shushing him, trying to understand just what was wrong with his sweet baby boy. "shh pumpkin daddy's got you baby, daddy's right here baby shhh", Yoongi whispered sweet nothing into his baby's ear, trying to calm him down without success. He just kept crying, a mixture of snot, tears, and drool running down his face onto the Daegu man's shirt. He didn't mind though, he only cared about finding out how to make his baby happy again.

    All of a sudden an idea popped into head. Jimin was chewing on his hand while in baby space. Usually when babies are teething, they chew on anything and everything! That's it! Why hadn't he thought of this before? He knew Jimin already had all of his adult teeth, but since he was in baby space, he was "Teething". As he continued to rock the boy and press soft kisses to his temple and head, he scooped him up and made his way to the kitchen. He opened up the freezer and pulled out a popsicle, opening it and holding it to Jimin's mouth. "Hey baby, you want this?", he asked, cooing at the younger who stopped crying, his squables reduced to hiccups as he rubbed his little fists to his eyes,and nodded with closed eyes and chubby cheeks.

    "Da,da da da", the little whined,reaching for the treat,and yoongi,not wanting jimin to drop it,brought it to the boys mouth and pressed it to his gums,the baby immediately cooing into the cold treat,and continued eating it to sooth his gums. Yoongi felt his heart swell and he pressed a gentle kiss to his boyfriend's face and neck. "There we go baby,Such a good boy,yes you are",He whispered into the boy's ear as he ate. When he finished he brought him back to their room with another bottle of milk. "You gotta be thirsty after all that crying baby boy", He said as he changed the little before feeding him and snuggling him closer. Daddy's sweet baby boy.. Daddy loves you so much", He sighed happily, rocking jimin,who as of this moment was clutching his baby blanket and stuffy,to sleep. The two stayed like this until they both drifted off to sleep.

This was terrible guys I am so sorry. I had the concept in my head but didn't have a way to initiate it in a good way.. I still hope that you enjoyed it.. and be sure to drop me some one shot requests! 사랑해요! Joey

윤민One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora