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Hey guys don't forget that if you have a one shot prompt request to send them my way don't be shy! I need new ideas and I love your feedback and I want you guys to enjoy this book as much as possible! <3 I love you guys and hope you are all doing well!- Joey

    Jimin awoke stretching his arms out wide, an unearthly noise coming out of his mouth as he did so, and his face scrunched up naturally as he extended his legs and arms and back, waking his body up slowly for the day. He yawned, rubbing his eyes to get rid of the sleep still hidden in them and slung his legs over the edge of the bed, sliding his bare feet into his navy blue house slippers, making his way to the kitchen to see what his yoongi was up to this morning. He trudged into the lounge to see Yoongi sprawled out on the couch, surrounded by a mix of papers and a mess of tangled earphones at his lap. Jimin stifled a giggle and made his way over to him. Jimin was used to him staying up late and usually not coming to bed on Friday nights. Plus, Yoongi kicked in his sleep, which is something he loved about his husband, although he had been a victim of his violence kekekeke. Jimin giggled as he cleared up his papers into a neat little stack on the coffee table, then softly removed his headphones and wound them around, making sure they wouldn't be tangled the next time he needed them.

   He had finished clearing up around the area where Yoongi was asleep and had opened the blinds in the house, sunshine spilling in and reflecting off of the glass vase they had on one of the end tables and the glass coffee table, and Jimin could see a rainbow shining just slightly in the surface. He smiled to himself, sighing internally at the sense of peace. But all of that was interupted when Yoongi awoke suddenly, jolting up in fear, looking around and rubbing the newly formed beads of sweat from his head. Jimin rushed over, gathering him in his lap, stroking his cheek and running his hands through his husband's slightly dampened hair. "shhh my love, I'm here, I'm here baby don't be afraid you're alright, you're alright", Jimin whispered sweet nothings into Yoongi's ear and every once in a while kissed his temple in reassurance.

    He felt Yoongi grab onto the front of his shirt and pull him closer before whispering in his ear, "I- I was so scared, babe, I was so scared", He choked out before he cried fat, hot tears onto Jimin's shirt, and Jimin could feel his heart shatter into a million tiny pieces. Whatever had made yoongi have a nightmare must have been bad if he was crying this hard. "Baby tell me what happened so I can make it better, my love. Don't be scared, I'm right here I'm not going anywhere. Nowhere at all babe you're safe right here I love you so much", Jimin continued to whisper to him, until his sobs boiled down to quiet sniffles and hiccups, and Jimin pulled him to sit on his lap completely, pressing his forehead against the older's.

   "I- I dreamt that you left, Jimin. That I was alone, nowhere to go. I couldn't handle it!", Yoongi whispered, and Jimin almost didn't hear him. Again, he felt his heart sink to his stomach and all he wanted to do was hold his Yoongi in his arms forever. He gathered his face in his hands gently and lifted his face up by placing two fingers underneath his chin so he was looking into the Busan man's eyes. "Listen to me, baby. I am never going to leave you, and I mean never. No matter where I go, or where you go, whether it be to work or wherever, I am yours for the rest of time. I vowed that to you the day I married you and took your last name, and I mean it. Min Yoongi I will always love you, and will always be your home. I will always be your sanctity, and a safe place for you. I love you, Baby, so much, Okay?", Jimin had his eyes closed now, his forehead to yoongi's still and their fingers intertwined. He felt a single tear slip past his eyes and splash against their hands. It broke his heart that his husband was even having dreams like this.

   "I know that, baby. I also promise to be your wall, your support in everything you do and to help keep you going even at your lowest and to love you through it all. There will never be a day where I won't be your home and strength. I love you with everything in me, Min Jimin. Everything, For the rest of time", Yoongi breathed out, steady tears leaving his eyes, and he wrapped a hand around Jimin's neck before closing the distance between them, connecting their lips in a kiss that was so gentle, each fearing the other would break if they were anything more than delicate with each other. Their lips seemed to tango, to move and tell a story that was theirs and theirs alone. They had written it together, were still writing it as time goes on.

윤민One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora