Chapter 4

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     "To Danny!" Steve said raising his beer bottle. We all clinked our drinks together and drank. I put my drink down and strolled out to the beach. I looked out over the water thinking about what I said about Danny when I thought he was dead. How do you tell someone you said that??
      I heard someone approaching from behind me. "Thinking about Danno?" Steve asked.
      I nodded. "How do I tell him what happened?"
     "What? How do you tell him your true feelings for him?" Steve said raising an eyebrow. "I think that's something you should've done a while ago."
      "Yeah but I feel like now that I know he's not dead I might not have to tell him..." I replied.
     "That makes no sense." Steve replied.
     "It does... just think about it-"
     "Hey Danno!" Steve said, cutting me off.
     "What did I say about calling me that?" Danny said.
     "I think it's catchy..." Steve said as he walked away. 
     "Are you okay?" Danny asked me.  I nodded. "Okay...well you look upset."
     "I'm confused." I replied.
     I turned to Danny. "While you were gone, Steve and I got into a heated argument. It was about how your 'death' affected us. I said it affected me more because..." I faltered. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach take flight.
     "Because?" Danny questioned stepping closer to me.
     I looked up into his eyes, they were a beautiful shade of green and they were filled with a warm shine that made me instantly lose all fear of what I was about to say. "Because I love you."
     "" he replied.
     "I know it's stupid. We just met like you said on the stakeout." I said turning back towards the ocean. I can't believe I just said that. I'm so stupid.
     "Hey, Hey. I've been waiting to hear you say those words since five minutes after we met." He grabbed my hands and stepped in front of me so I was facing him. Our eyes met as he leaned in and pressed his lips against mine. Our mouths moved in harmony as I felt his arms wrap around my waist. He pulled away and smiled at me. "I've been waiting for that too." He said which gained a snicker from me.
      "Danny, as much as I enjoy this, I don't know if it makes sense. We are coworkers, I-"
      "I know. We can take it as slow as you want, and we don't have to tell the rest of the team." He said. He ran his hand through my hair and I felt goosebumps wherever he touched. We both went back to the table with the rest of the team. I made eye contact with Steve and he raised an eyebrow. I nodded to let him know that I told Danny, I got a wink and a smirk in return. 
     For the rest of the night I caught Danny staring at me a few times and it made me blush every time. It was a fun night between friends and then it was time to go home. Steve had driven me here and so I didn't have a ride home.
     Danny came up behind me and whispered "Want me to give you a ride home?" Danny said "or is that too suspicious" Danny made a fake pouty face.
      "Well how can I resist that face?" I replied with a smirk and started walking towards the gray Camaro parked in the lot. Danny jogged to get ahead of me and opened the passenger door for me. "What a gentleman." I said as I slid into the seat.
     Danny hopped into the drivers seat and pulled out of the lot. He glanced over at me and caught me staring at him. "What are you looking at?" He said with a chuckle.
     "I'm just admiring the view." I replied.
     "Don't get all goofy on me." He replied. It seemed almost out of habit he reached over and placed his hand on my leg. He realized what he did and tried to pull it back. "I'm sorry-"
     "Sorry about what?" I replied putting my hand on top of his. I smiled at him and he returned the smile. We pulled into my driveway and Danny shut off the car. "Hey... do you wanna come in? We should probably talk about what happened." I looked at him hopefully.
     "Yeah." He replied with a smile. I opened the door and let him into my house. Liam was on vacation for the next week so week didn't have to worry about him, which I told Danny. I sat on the couch and Danny caught sight of something that intrigued him. "You have scrabble?"
     "Of course I have scrabble. Who doesn't?"
     "Are you any good?"
     "Eh, as good as the next girl."
     "Well, unlucky for you, I am the master at Scrabble - and I'm about to beat you"
     "Well, I'm not gonna lose without a wine glass in my hand. You want any?" I asked. He said yes and began setting up the game. We started by just having a game of scrabble and ended up being super wine drunk. We were laying on the floor with the scrabble board and Danny officially had just won. A whopping 237-187.
     "Wow... I've never lost that badly." I stated.
     "I can make up for it." Danny said with a smirk. He leaned in again and kissed me. I kissed back, hard. I was wearing shorts and I felt Danny's hand slide up my leg and to my shorts. We both got up and he picked me up while I wrapped my legs around him. We went to my bedroom and kept making out. After a little while Danny pulled away. "How's that for taking it slow?" He chuckled.
     "You're right. We should probably stop." I laughed.
     "I can leave ... uhh if you want me to." Danny said, wow he was really cute when he feels awkward.
     "Why would I want that?" I said. "You should stay the night. That's not too fast."
     "Yeah. Of course." Danny said. He kissed me one last time and turned to shut off the lights. I turned so that my back was up against his stomach and he wrapped his arm around my waist. This is heaven I thought as I drifted off to sleep.

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