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So I'm Offically Married. I'm Mrs. Killmonger. I had to go upstairs to change out of this big ass dress into something more comfortable because it's itchy. I put on this

I went downstairs outside where reception was and everyone started to walk out. It looked do perfect out here like omg I did so good.

The Dj had introduced us and we just started dancing our way up to where we were suppose to sit. Everybody was dancing laughing
And having a good time. We ate some food and then sum cake. Well I have a surprise for Erik that he doesn't know about but......
He doesn't know yet because I planned to tell him at the reception. So the were doing a toast and they ask me do I have anything I wanna say.

Me: yes I do. First I want say thank u all for coming out we really do appreciate it. I also have surprise for Erik.

Erik: okay what is it

Me:Well I just want say I love u and that I'm Pregnant


Me: yes

He was so happy all he did was cried and danced. I was just laughing at him. We were having a good time and then we decided to leave and go to our room since I'm really tired. Everybody was leaving anyways. I went into our room and took of my dress, heels, and jewelry and laid down drifting off to sleep.

2 hours later

I feel something sliding into my 😺 so I woke up and see Erik above me

Erik: I thought u was sleep

Sky: and I thought I told u I was pregnant

Erik: well I couldn't help my self

Sky: just finish so I can go back to sleep

Erik: fine

He stroke back and forth and I was just moaning and the he went fast and I moaned louder. Omg why does he have good dick like it's addictive but any ways I dimmed and fell asleep and man i slept like a baby

Sorry for any mistakes
351 words

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