No pain no gain

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You stand from the floor, exhausted from Jason trying to hone your powers. You hadn't had a break in over three hours. He seemed desperate for you to take a grip on your newfound powers. You breathe quickly, trying to catch your breath as yet another bloody tool was thrown at your face. You take a step back and proceed to run away from the airborne tool, finally reaching the wall. Standing to face the blade you watch as it hits the wall, inches from your head. Jason's expression was a sour one, sharpened teeth and glowing eyes indicated a deep anger that Jason was bottling up. You fear the toymaker as he makes his way over to you, his boots banging loudly on the wooden floor. He reaches for the blade, pulling it from the wall with a swift action and so fast that the metal made a swishing sound when removed. You feel the jagged edge of the blade touch your pale neck as the toymaker stares into your eyes and soul. You almost get lost in his eyes, still finding them enchanting and deep like a pool. You are so lost in his eyes that you don't notice the blade now pointed at your stomach. You gasp as the blade is gently pressed against the fabric of your ( F/C ) dress. Tears begin to prick your eyes as Jason smirks, his sharp teeth gleaming in the faint light.

" There is only one way to fix a doll. Get a grip on your powers....when your on the brink of death " You don't get a second to respond as Jason lunges the tool into you. Blood pouring to the floor. You collapse into a heap and watch as Jason leaves the room, throwing the tool to the floor. Your vision begins to fade and you cry loudly, thinking this was the end. You decide to give up, wishing you had never perused the toymaker. He ruined you and your life. You curse him and try to stand to your feet, failing to do so. You put your hand to your stomach and you feel something strange. The wound was closing up, healing itself. Was this part of your power? Had the shock caused this? You finally manage to stand up as Jason enters the room, a sweet smile on his features. He was obviously happy with you.

" What the hell?" You smirk, just like the toymaker and watch as his sweet smile seemed to take a kind turn.

" I finally fixed you"

The Chosen One ( Jason the Toymaker X Reader )Where stories live. Discover now