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[warnings: mentions of abuse and drug use]

Barry couldn't help the smile on his face as he walked along the path that paved its way through the park. The pavilion that would be used for the charity concert was in the process of being set up. People were scattered around, either helping with the set up, or enjoying the nice day. Barry himself was doing the latter, loving the warmth the sun shone down on his face, and making him smile. The wind was blowing, just soft enough to keep him cool, but not enough to make him completely cold.

"Sebastian Smythe?" a male voice called out, causing Barry to stop in his steps.

Barry turned, his blood running cold when he saw who was walking towards him. "Hey, Hunter. It's...been awhile."

"Yeah, you look good, Bas." Hunter grinned at Barry, giving him a slow once over. Barry shuffled where he was standing. "So what has the great Sebastian been up to since I left Dalton?"

"I finished the school year, went to college, got a job. You know, the good stuff. Regular stuff." Barry cleared his throat softly. "I hear you went to military school after Dalton. How was that?"

"It went fine. I went straight into the army afterward. That was a learning experience. I haven't touched any drugs since," Hunter replied. He bit his bottom lip before speaking again. "Hey, I know it's been a few years since we...fooled around, and you probably hate me, but. Do you want to get dinner with me?"

"I, uh. No," Barry said, giving Hunter a strained smile. "I have a boyfriend, and I love him very much. But thanks for the offer."

"Oh, well. Shame, then." Hunter gave him another once over before smirking. "You really grew into your long limbs. I wonder if they still look good wrapped aro–"

"Hunter, stop. Seriously," Barry said firmly. "Oliver means a lot to me, and I don't think he'd appreciate hearing that my ex was trying to get me into bed with him."

Hunter frowned. "Well, he sounds like a stickler." He grabbed Barry's phone out of his back pocket, causing Barry to blush lightly. After typing his number, Hunter slipped it back into Barry's pocket with a smirk. "Call me when your boyfriend either gets tired of you or wants a threesome." He then turned on his heel and strolled away.

Barry clenched his jaw, glaring down at the ground where Hunter had just stood. "I hate you," he muttered to himself, knowing Hunter wouldn't hear him anyway. "You made my life a living hell."


Barry looked up and saw Kurt and Blaine make their way towards him. It was then that Barry realised he was crying. As quickly as he realised it, he was wiping the tears away. He gave them a small smile, straightening up. "Hey, guys. What's up?"

"Are you alright?" Blaine asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"I'll be fine, I guess," Barry answered, shoving his hands into his pockets. "It's something I've grown used to."

"Was that Hunter Clarington? Why is he here?" Kurt asked, looking the way Hunter had gone. "I thought he was banned from any Warbler events."

"He was. I don't know why he's here, but it makes me hate him even more. Which I didn't even think was possible." Barry rubbed the back of his neck. "He follows me everywhere. I thought I was safe with the name change. That was one thing I loved about going by Sebastian Smythe during high school. I could get away from Hunter. Apparently not."

"Why do you hate him so much? Last I knew, you two were all buddy-buddy." Kurt quirked an eyebrow. "Have some sort of falling out?"

"I...yeah, I guess you could say that." Barry looked around before sighing. "Do you want to go back to mine? This really isn't a conversation to have out in the open."

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