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Someone cried in pain, I turned to look and saw that it was Seokjin. He got shot on his leg near his ankle, making it harder for him to escape. But I quickly got down, pushed him in and just in time to save myself.

Everyone went in the vent crawling to look for another room and eventually found one and got out. Seokjin got out last with the help of Yoongi and Evelyn.

Taehyung and Evelyn were talking, when she cried in his arms and she spoke, "Tae, that man almost raped me, but because I refused his request, he whipped me" she turns around showing him the whip marks on her back, Taehyung and the rest saw her back, at this point each and every one of them were furious.

Taehyung hugged and told her, "Baby I'm so sorry I should have never left you with Jimin, I should have known he was suspicious, because whenever he saw us two together, he always had an unreadable face" he kissed the top of her head.

There was a moment of silence. "Please don't hurt him." I quietly said. They looked at me, confused. "Please don't hurt Jimin... I know he kidnapped me and everything but that's because he was blinded by what he thought was love. He didn't know what he was doing... He is innocent because he didn't know I was going to be sold off... But that strange man he seems so familiar..." they all sighed, "Okay, Evelyn we respect your decision, but we will ask him why he did what he did okay?" Seokjin spoke, I nodded then remained quiet.

I'm angry that Evelyn doesn't want us to hurt Jimin. But I don't want her to hate me so I'll just leave Jimin alone for now. I stood up towards the door and surprisingly it was open, I peeked my head through and it was empty, I turned back to them, "The coast is clear let's go."

They all walked in order, Jeongguk, Taehyung and Seokjin, the two youngest were at each side helping him downstairs, next was Evelyn, Hoseok, Namjoon and Yoongi. We all reached downstairs.

"Don't move." we looked up to see Jimin holding a gun in his hands. Not long after the unknown man appeared and Jimin pointed his gun at him, whilst he had his gun pointed at one of them.



I dropped to the floor as my vision went blurry. I looked to my stomach to see red, I heard my name being yelled and that's when everything turned black.

I heard beeping noises and my head hurt like mad. I opened my eyes to see that I'm not in my own bed but a hospital bed. I tried to move my hand but I felt weight on it. I looked to see Taehyung's head, he lifted his head, "You're awake!" he goes out of the door then comes back with a doctor.

After the doctor checked up on me he said I can go home, Taehyung comes up to me and grabs my hand, he cried, "I'm sorry Evelyn, I should have never left you with Jimin or else this would never have happened I'm sorry Evelyn, I really am", I started to smile then wiped his tears away, "Tae please don't cry, it's not your fault and you didn't know and besides, you protected and you came looking for me, my heart was right" he placed his hand on my cheek then kissed me, we both pulled away, I asked him, "Tae where are the rest?" he replied, "They are all at home, come on baby let's go" we intertwined our fingers together and checked out of the hospital.

Taehyung and Evelyn are on their way home, but what she didn't know was that Jimin was also home too... It was a little too quiet in the car so, Evelyn had put the radio on and Big Bang's Fantastic Baby came on, this was their favourite song so they both sang along together, as soon as the song was over they reached home.

Taehyung parked the car and quickly rushed out to Evelyn's side and opened the door for her. He reached for her waist and gently took her out of the car until her feet touched the ground. They arrived at the door and Taehyung unlocked the door with his keys and entered, "We're home!" he shouted. All of the boys except one welcomed her home and hugged her tightly. They all brought Evelyn to the living room and she saw that he was sitting on the sofa, Jimin.

Her eyes widened, until he spoke, "Hi Evelyn" Evelyn stayed quiet not wanting to reply. All of them sat down on the sofas with Taehyung next to Evelyn and Jimin opposite her.

We were all quiet until I spoke out, "Jimin... Why did you kidnap Evelyn?" He looked at me and then Evelyn and put his head down. I was getting impatient now because he just stayed silent.. But Evelyn broke the silence, "Yoongi, please don't ask him questions anymore, please" with that she stood up and walked up the stairs, I swear I saw a tear roll down from her eye.

It was a moment of silence until we heard crying upstairs.

I walked upstairs and sat on my bed, I opened my bedside drawer to find my phone, I looked in my contacts and swiped the number to my ear.

"Hello?" the person spoke up, I replied, "Reina", she answered, "Evelyn, are you crying? Why?!" I stayed quiet until I finally replied, "Reina, I'm getting in the way of their precious friendship, I'm ruining it and I know it's all my fault, I can't take this anymore, it's killing me.I'm hurting and affecting their friendship. Reina...I need to leave them alone, for good."


my darling angels, i love you ♡

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