Is he?

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"Grandpa! Tell the story when Link destroyed the Twilit Arachnid Argohma!" Yelled young Saria.

"Okay okay, after Link discovered the Scared Grove was once the Temple of Time he went there to obtain the third mirror shard so he and Midna would have access to the Twilight realm." Exclaimed the Old Man. Our story begins in a small family home in the town of Ordon. Hyrule had changed over the years. People later left old traditions for a more civilized area. Though the famous Hyrule field still remains a field. But people do not use horse back as much. They use cars instead. Zoras, Gorons, Gerudos, Humans and Hylians, get along pretty well now. Though only a few Hylians remain. 

"No, I dont like that one! Tell of when he defeated the scary mask in Termina!" Said Anju.

"That's enough girls leave your Grandpa alone." Exclaimed The girls mother, Celeste.

"Oh I don't mind," said the Old Man. "Where's Rinku?"

"I think he is in his bedroom, Rinku! Wake up!" she yelled. "Such a damn lazy boy!"

"Argh! Mother it's Saturday!" he yelled back. The young seventeen year old boy woke up, got dressed, and prepared himself to begin his day. He was a tall, handsome, boy with nice long blonde hair that reached his neck, and bangs. He always enjoyed having messy hair. He also enjoyed wearing green all the time.

"Girls clean your rooms!" Exclaimed their mother as she prepared breakfast. 

"Celeste, your son Rinku reminds me so much of Link." Said the Old Man

"Father, don't begin with you nonsense." she said. "The evil has not awaken for centuries"

"Celeste we are Hylian!" he exclaimed. "How would we not believe he is the next reincarnation!"

The boy overheard the conversation. He was very insecure about those thoughts. Many of his companions told him before the same thing. The way he walked, his lack of words, being Hylian, the mark on his right hand.Could he be the next to wield the "Blade That Evil Bane's"?

"Are you guys okay?" asked Rinku.

"We're fine son prepare yourself you'll be late for school!" his mother told him.

"So, it's not Saturday?" he asked. His mother rolled her eyes and pulled him by his pointed ear.

Rinku thought alot about it. At school most of the gorons called him brother. Not really any of them got along with another race. A zora girl asked him about an engagement. He was really perplexed to think something like that. 

As RInku's mother took him and his sisters to school, the Old Man thought to himself. Rinku is the next reincarnation. I know it! As the Old Man broke his mind thinking of a way to talk to his grandson, when suddenly a voice was heard by the Old Man's hearing aid.

"You know of Rinku's destiny, speak to him teach him what he needs to know for he is the one to fulfill his duty as a hero." said the voice.

"Who are you?" asked the old man.

"It is I Nayru, goddess of wisdom." she told him. "He is the holder of the Triforce of Courage!"

"Wait, Wait!, i nees to know more!," He exclaimed. "How do i help him?" 

Nayru did not answer back. The Old Man continued puzzled. 

"Yo! Rinku," yelled a familiar voice. 

"What's up?" Rinku yelled back. It was his best friend Mark. He was a tall, slender, handsome, young man with nice redish-orange eyes and purplish hair.

"How's the Hero of Time?"he said taunting Rinku. 

"Mark i told you not to call me that!' he exclaimed. "But, now that we're on the subject my mom and my grandpa were arguing about that. My grandpa said I might be the next reincarnation." 

"Wow, really?" he asked.

"Yea bro, and that might just be nonsense i mean there hasn't be any kind of trouble in Hyrule whatsoever I mean if there was then where the fuck is the princess?"

"Well, i dont know bro, but whatever! Your Rinku not Link." he said making him feel better.

Rinku and Mark have been best friends for a long time they both grew up together in the small Ordon Town. They always played games and Rinku would be Link, Mark would be his side kick.

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