Sadie To Finn

415 18 2


September 20th, 1931
It's nice to see you're still alive...

Dear Finn,

It's me, Sadie. Before you ask anything, Yes, I am fine. Yes, I do miss him. Yes, I'll be ok.....
Ya know, I had never met anyone like Caleb, and I know I never will again. It amazes me how he was always there for me, he was always there for everyone, wasn't he? He made me smile more times than I can count, and he made me feel loved. Sometimes I wondered who he loved more, me...or you. As funny as that sounds, it's true.
He was proud to call you his bestfriend, he was proud to know you had someone as great as Millie. With this letter, I'm sending you a reciept for a check he had written in his will. It's to you and Millie, a check for the house he knew you guys always wanted. The house you both deserve. Millie bought a house, one she knows you'll love.
Speaking of Millie....
Funny story....
She went into labor two months ago.
You see, I really wanted to tell you this great story on how normal the whole event was.
But, you have some idiot friends, and with idiot friends nothing can ever go according to plan.
I had gone for a walk around that time.
Millie stayed with Gaten and Noah so I decided to catch some fresh air.
A mistake on my part.
When I got back to the cottage it seemed like hell had broken loose.
Noah was running around in a panick, Gaten looked like he was seeing a ghost, and Millie was screaming in pain.
I asked what was going on, and Millie explained the twins were on their way.
You'd think the boys would have called the hospital!
Again, my mistake for leaving them unsupervised.
We took Millie to the hospital, and she was repeatedly asking for you.
I didn't know what to tell her.
She really wanted you there...
I tried to go with her but some scag of a nurse said I could not under any circumstance. I call it nonsense.
Eventually, she had the babies.
A girl....and a boy.
Congrats Finn, they're so adorable!! Probably got it from Millie!
Noah was absolutely gushing over them, and Gaten squealed louder than I did.
It's been two months and my they are growing!
I'm not going to tell you what Millie named them, mostly due to the fact that i'm sure she wants to tell you face to face. Or through letter.
Whichever one comes first.
I am writing because poor Mills hasn't slept in days, but she'll write to you any day now. We can't keep you two separated anyways.

- Sadie

I think there's only two chapters left to wrap this up.

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