Lieutenant To Millie

394 22 17

Slang Terms Of the Day:
Boff - To hit
Bonkers - acting weird
Now ya Educated ♡
Enjoy! (Don't kill me)

August 19th, 1931
My condolences,

Dear Mrs. Wolfhard,
         Forgive me if I am jumping to conclusions, madam. We've been receiving letters from you, letters sent to soldier Wolfhard, so it is only right to suppose you are his wife. I am Lieutenant Harbour, second in command general. I am the leader of your husband's unit and it saddens me to inform you of such news. It is only right not to leave you in the shadows. Your husband was not in a good state, madam. We've been at war for five months now, only so because we are so close to winning.
He's recently taken a boff during one of the battles. Shot near the abdomen to be precise. He's been in the infirmiry for three weeks now. We are doing our best to save him, we are sure you're very worried about him too. He's is recovering, and we are relieved to say he will be fine.
Though I believe he is not worried about himself. He's very anxious to get back up, to write to you though we deny him the ability to. Only because he needs to rest. When he first got to the infirmary he was going bonkers, and began asking for someone named Caleb.
Caleb McLaughlin.
He yelled that as we prepared him for surgery. He said he was his friend before bursting into tears. He seemed desperate to see him and know if he was ok. But he was only making things worse for himself, his vitals were high and if he did not calm down he could have gotten a stroke. We promised him we'd find Mr. McLaughlin.
We went out to look for him through the corpses and old battlefield. Hoping he was still alive.

Mr. McLaughlin went out there brave as ever, but sadly....

He did not make it back.

We are so sorry for your lost. I did not know him personally, but he was a great solider. And he seemed to be a great friend to all, with a smile on his face to brighten things for us.
I write this to inform you of him and your husband because you deserve an answer. I am sincerely, truly, from the bottom of my heart, sorry for the lost of your friend. With this letter, I send his belongings, and we will cordially have some men ship his body so you and his loved ones may have a proper service for him.
Mr. Wolfhard is doing fine.
You're husbands very brave, only brave men cry, and only brave men protect.

                 - Lieutenant Harbour 


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