Millie To Finn

616 32 14

Slang Terms of the day:
Honey Cooler - a kiss.
Dizzy With - madly in love with someone.
Now ya educated
Also *winkwink* towards the ending.
Wanna know why i'm winking? Read it till the end.
Their both 20 year olds in the 30s btw.

February 14th, 1931
I'm in need of one of your honey coolers.


      I never realized how fast i could run until today. The post  usually gets its mail sorted today, so i ran there as fast as i could. It's hard to run in stilettos. When i had arrived to the delivery office, there were plenty other gals awaiting their letters.  I must have read yours five times over and over again. I miss you too, more than you can imagine. Yes i do remember the day you got that letter. That horrid draft. I'm so sorry they chose you baby, i am so sorry your name came up. If i was a man, i would take your place in a heartbeat. But to answer you're question, i have been trying to keep myself busy lately. I think i might apply for a job! That is, if they accept women. But i know i can do that job better than any man can! I've also been comforting Sadie. Ever since you got drafted, she worries the same fate awaits Caleb. But it seems like everything has been going down hill, love. Gaten worries he's gotten tuberculosis, i haven't seen him since he put himself in a sanctuary. Noah says he did it because he didnt want to run the risk of us getting infected. Speaking of illnesses, i think i might be coming down with a bad cold. I've been nauseous alot lately, especially in the mornings. I've also been craving many weird things. But I'm sure its nothing though, so don't worry honey. Please stay safe, promise me you'll use that heater if you need to. I can't lose you, we still have to build that house of ours.
                 Dizzy With You,
                           - Millie

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