???: Both of your lives were a short one. But you are, in fact, dead

Y/N: Just one question...how is ashley

She then looks to the ground sad

???: Im sorry but...she's not taking it very well

A screen then popped up infront of me and i saw ashley who was in the hospital outside a room crying with my parents comforting her

The screan then dissapeared while a tear escaped my eye

Kazuma: Uhh...ma'am...what about the girl i pushed out of harm's way?

???: She's alive

Kazuma then looks relieved

Kazuma: Thank goodness. That means my death wasnt in vain

The woman then looked at him with a questionable look

???: Actually, she wouldnt have gotten hurt, even if you hadnt push her out of the way

Kazuma: Huh!

???: That tractor was going to stop before it could hit her

Kazuma: Huh? Wait a second

???: What is it

She then leans forward

Kazuma: "Tractor"?

???: Yes, it was a tractor

Kazuma: Huh? Then what happened. Did i die by getting plowed over by a tractor

???: No you died of shock. You mistakenly thought the a truck ran over you

Kazuma: I died of shock!? Not a hero!?

???: The only one who died a hero here is Y/N

Y/N: I dont know if i should laugh or feel bad for ya

The woman then started to laugh hard while kazuma was dumbfounded

???: I've been doing this for a long time, but you're the first human to die in such a bizarre way

Kazuma's face then started to get angry from the girl while i laughed as well

???: You were so terrified that you'd be run over, you wet yourself. You passed out and taken to a nearby hospital and the doctors and nurses laughed at as you had a heart attack-

Kazuma: Stop! I dont want to hear it! I dont want to hear it! I dont want to hear it! I dont want to hear it!


She then stood up and whispered at us with a smug face

???: Your family rushed to the hospital and now even they're laughing out loud at the cause of your death. Even Y/N's family and friend had heard it and the 3 of them cheered up

Kazuma: STOP! STOP!

???: Well...i've vented enough stress for now

Aqua: My name is Aqua. Im a goddess who guides humans who die young to the after life

Y/N: Nice to meet you

Aqua: The both of you have a choice

Aqua: You can start from square one. A new life. Or you can go to heaven and carry on like an old man

She then leaned towards us

Aqua: To tell you the truth, heavem isnt the dreamy place you all imagine it to be

Y/N&Kazuma: Huh?

Aqua: Not only is there no TV, there are no manga or games either and you also dont have a physical body, so you cant do anything sexual either

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