Chapter Two

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Lin's POV

I got up and excused myself from the cafe after Phillipa left in tears. I haven't seen her in a while but I remember everything about her as if we were still in our days in Hamilton. I quickly got in my car and started following her, hoping she was just going home. I know I probably shouldn't be following her, but she looked scared and hurt and I felt the need to make sure she was okay.

After about ten minutes of following her, I eventually lost her car. No longer behind her, I tried my best to remember where her apartment was. Luckily, I made it to the apartment without getting too lost on the way. I went inside and up the elevator to Pippa's door. I lifted my hand up to knock but paused as I heard crying and someone screaming. The crying sounded like Pippa and the screaming, I'm guessing, was her boyfriend. I figured they were just in a heated argument when I suddenly heard a loud thump.

Without thinking I opened the door and ran into the apartment to see Pippa laying on the floor holding her face and Steven standing over her looking angry. "Who the fuck are you" Steven spat coming towards me. He was taller and looked much stronger than me but what was I supposed to do, leave Pippa? He kept approaching me and when he got close enough I punched him in the jaw as hard as I could. He hit back and we continued to fight until eventually, he leaned on the counter for support after being punched so many times.

I helped Pippa up and saw her nose and lip were bleeding. Her eyes were red and puffy and her cheeks were stained with tears. Seeing her like this broke my heart. I know I haven't seen her in a while but I still care about her, a lot. She looked down with a deep blush on her face from embarrassment. I wanted to hug her and tell her it'll be okay but, seeing as Steven was literally standing right there, I couldn't

I quickly picked Pippa up bridal style and carried her out of the apartment and to my car. I put her down next to the car and opened the passenger door, gesturing for her to get in. She obliged and sat in the car, buckling herself in as I closed the door for her and got in the driver's seat. "Thank you..." she mumbled almost inaudibly. "You're welcome. I wasn't just gonna leave you there." I responded glancing at her quickly before averting my attention back to the road. "Why'd you come to my apartment?" "Well you left the cafe crying and I was worried so I went to go check on you but when I got there I heard you crying and someone screaming so I was gonna leave. I figured you were having an argument then I heard a thump and I ran in and, well, thank god I did." "Oh..."

The rest of the ride to my apartment was silent except for Pippa eventually asking me where I was taking her. I convinced her to stay at my apartment so she isn't alone and so Steven can't get to her. The ride home was around 45 minutes and I took a glance at her pretty much every five minutes. She eventually caught on to that and awkwardly looked at her lap blushing. She really was beautiful, more so than I remember and she's still the sweet and amazing person I knew a few years ago. Why would anyone intentionally hurt her?

Mi Amor ~ Lippa [DISCONTINUED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora