Chapter One

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Pippa's POV

Today was the day I'd finally see most of my friends from "Hamilton". We were meeting at a cafe by the theatre to have brunch. I put on a black and gold dress with black tights and black heels (as pictured above).I did my makeup pretty simple because I didn't really like wearing it. After about a half hour longer of waiting, it was finally 6pm. We were meeting at 6:30 and it takes around 20 minutes to get to the restaurant from my apartment but knowing New York City traffic, I was leaving 10 minutes early.

I got to the cafe at around 6:25 and took my seat next to Renee who was already there with Jasmine and Anthony. A few minutes later Oak and Daveed showed up together, then Jonathan, then Lin. Those were the only people who ended up making it. We talked for a while about anything and everything, catching up with each other. Lin was seated to my right, Renee to my left. Across from me sat Jasmine with Anthony next her her with a hand on her knee. Jonathan sat on the other side of Jasmine and Oak and Daveed sat on either end of the table.

We were there for about and hour and everyone was still talking and having a good time. I was talking to Renee when I felt my phone vibrate in my purse. I looked at the screen and saw I had a text from my boyfriend, Steven. I excused myself from the table and stepped outside.

Steven💘😘: Where the hell are you Phillipa?!?!

Pippa♥: I told you I was going out with friends. I'll be home in an hour or so.

Steven💘😘: Come home now.

Pippa♥: I'm not just gonna leave I'll be home in a bit.

Steven💘😘: Are your 'friends' seriously more important than me? I said come home now I mean it. You complain when I hit you but then you act selfish like this. Be home in ten minutes.

Pippa♥: The place I'm at is farther than 10 mins from our apartment.

Steven😘💘: I don't care.

I felt tears forming in my eyes and I went inside with my head down to say goodbye to everyone. I hated when Steven did this. He makes me do everything he wants or else he hurts me. But at least he loves me...right? "Pips what's wrong" Jasmine asked but I ignored her question. Everyone looked at me with concerned faces as tears began to fall down my cheeks. "I'm sorry I-I have to go..." I bolted out of the cafe and to my car. I quickly pulled out of the parking lot and began driving home.

Little did I know I was being followed....

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